MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever been pulled over?

Ever been pulled over?

Not for speeding but just anything in general?


Only for speeding. Wait, no. Once I was pulled over for wearing headphones. I fought the ticket, and won.


It's amazing what gets waved if you bother to show up in court and bitch. You don't even need an excuse. They're usually just like screw it.


I used to drive a cab in a military town years ago on the graveyard shift. One routine night, after I took a soldier to his destination on the the base, an MP pulled up behind me and started tailing me. This went on for awhile. He was making me nervous. I thought, " What's up with this guy? Is he going to pull me over or not? " Just as I was about to cross the boundary between military and civilian property, he finally hit me with his light. He sauntered up to me with a big grin on his face and said, "Got any change?"

Smart ass had been messing with me.


Our tax money at work:/


I didn't begrudge him for it. It amused me. I know what it's like to be a smart ass and prank someone. He was probably having a boring night.


Many speeding tickets back in the 90s when I had an employer provided Chevy Impala. I drove the crap out of it. My last ticket was in 2007 for rolling through a stop sign. All clear since.


That's a great car. One of my cabs was an Impala and had previously been a police cruiser, built for high speed pursuit and it did haul ass.


The last v8 engine I had. A great car for the highways.


1 seatbelt, 3 speeding, 1 broken taillight and 1 or two rolling stops and crossing the solid white line

I've gotten a bunch for parking


My ex husband used to get pulled over all the time. I think part of it was racial profiling and partly because he drove a 79 Chevy Malibu decked out with a cool paint job.


Two door?
Those were cool!


Yes. I always had people want to race when I drove it. Once a had a car full of guys pull up beside me and start revving and then they rolled down their window and all I heard was "you're a girl!" I laughed.


I hope you didn't even bother racing...
Those were not guys, they were assholes
They are a dime a dozen and 100 pounds of them on the bottom of every wishing well


No, I didn't race. Not my thing. I just will never forget the look on the guy's face. Like women can't like muscle cars.


Certain guys are dummies:/
Not all, but some


In the early 90s I had a Jensen Interceptor and I got pulled over because the traffic police wanted to get a good look at it.


Yes, several years ago for taking an exit that was for buses only. Rather than get a ticket and have my car insurance raised I went to traffic school.


I have, but I wasn't driving in any of the cases.


Then you didn’t get pulled over




So no you haven’t


Correct, I haven't been pulled over.
