MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > you know what they say....

you know what they say....

you're only as smart as the last youtube video you watched

just kidding, kind of... or maybe i'm just a sheep person, sheeple

i need more facts


The last youtube vid I watched was a kangaroo fight so I'm probably a genius


Check this out:


Never heard of this sort of artwork but there are some cool videos
That Ram lighting up looked like a movie special effect


Yeah, that burn looked so perfectly controlled.


This is the last one I watched.



Good one, GE! Brought a lot of amused smiles.


I've watched far too many of this person's videos, but dang, it's good to see some of the "rules don't apply to me" people find out that "oh yes they do!"


Towing disputes are fairly common on those reality court programs and the complainants sometimes adamantly keep insisting they did nothing wrong.


I haven't watched any of the court programs, but it's amazing how many people claim they haven't done anything wrong. We see it a lot, don't we?


I see it in almost every instance on the show Live PD when a motorist gets pulled over. A lot of excuses, double talk and outright lying.


Oh man, I've never been towed but I've heard it's a huge mess
Paperwork screwups mean your car is 'lost' when you go to get it, fees on top of fees...AND to top it off it was raining on them by the time they left the rock show😣


I've never been towed, either. I just can't imagine why anyone would take a chance on having to deal with the hassle, inconvenience, and expense. Oh wait; they think they'll be the lucky ones that beat the system and won't get towed, ticketed, stopped, or whatever. Gee, I think I recall a saying...don't do the crime if you can't do the time. 😏


That area in that video must have been lucrative for that company on a daily basis. That's why it had such a sharp looking tow truck.


Thought the same
That was a hot tow truck, then I thought 'He must have a baseball bat or pistol in there!'
People get pissed when they get towed


Just like a repo man, lol. Those guys even get shot at.


Crazy job
No thanks


Commenters have asked if the author can get video from the towing company to see the reactions when the drivers come to get their cars.


That would be good Reality TV
I nearly got in a tussle with my septic tank guys so I can only imagine what would happen if someone took my wheels🤬🤬🤬


Yeah, it's expensive enough to begin with and then some companies use unscrupulous tactics to pad the bill even further. It can be a racket at times.


If you read the FAQs on their videos you'll see that people think they get a kickback - they don't. They also think it's no big deal to park there after business hours... The videos are entertaining. If you've had a lousy day, you can watch a few of their videos and see people who are having a lousier day.


I can understand where that suspicion could come from. They are. The creator has a great sense of humor, I think. But like you said, it's karma.


I'm sure there are businesses that deal in kickbacks, but I have no reason not to believe him when he says they don't. The creator has done a great job with his videos. They've been around for a while, a couple of years at least, and they keep getting better, adding sound effects, etc. The early videos don't have the DrumBeats though, which viewers love.


I should go watch a video with Einstein.


Or watch kangaroo fights for an hour or so...
Worked for me👍


That is an option :-)


Kiefer Sutherland cooks beef stew, Strangely therapeutic. ⤵️


I don't know if this makes me smart, dumb, or hungry.


I stick to music videos.
