MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > How do you find out about new movies and...

How do you find out about new movies and shows?

Just noticed a movie from 2008 on Trending, which I've never heard of despite it being pretty mainstream.

Which reminded me that I used to know all or most of the new movie releases because I checked the movie listings in the paper every week, and would scan the reviews. Can't remember the last time I looked at a newspaper.

Sometimes I'd see commercials for them on TV, but I don't even have a TV anymore.

Word of mouth from friends and MC are now the only ways I hear about new releases these days.



Check IMDB or just Google "newest movies".


You don't look at the In Theatres section on MC's home page? I do.


I check Rotten Tomatoes every Thursday for the latest movies. TV shows are tougher because there are so many channels. I rely mostly on MC and word of mouth.


Mostly through movie channels on Youtube.


i keep my eye on metacritic & to a lesser extent rotten tomatoes for new movies that look interesting and/or are well reviewed.
i follow a few critics on twitter & letterboxd, plus a few people who are not professionals but whose opinion i trust.
i belong to a few movie groups on facebook too, though i find those far too cluttered with nonsense posting & very rarely get anything useful out of there.
i listen to a few podcasts related to movies - filmspotting, the next picture show.
& i try to generally keep my eyes & ears open to anything that sounds interesting.
i watch a lot of movies - 442 so far this year, according to my letterboxd profile - and i haven't run out of anything to watch so far.


You're a true cinephile. I was impressed by that when I read how many films you'd seen in a week on Stoney's thread 👍

I wish MC had a way of tracking movies you want to watch, and have watched.


thanks! i'm lucky enough to have the gift of time these days, and i like to spend it watching movies more than anything else.

do you use letterboxd? it's really useful for tracking what you've watched, and it allows you to maintain a watchlist of films you want to see. & it's a nice way to see what other people are watching & what they think of what they've seen.


I enjoy reading your posts :)

No, I haven't, although I have heard of it. I'd love to have those options, but I'd like them here since I like to keep the sites I join down to the bare minimum.


I don't. Most of the stuff I watch is a compilation of recommendations, or luck, maybe easy access because its on YouTube, but it really starts when I watch something that is great, and then I'll try to see everything else they do, until its not worth it. I've seen many movies just from recommendations on here.


A lot of it is by scouring through IMDb. The "add to watch list" is a nice feature.


I only maintain a membership here but I do peruse other movie sites...I get good info from certain non-chatting film sites

Plus, a lot of my friends love movies and TV so there is plenty of info available through texting and sharing links


There are also movie chat sites that talk about everything but movies. 👍👍👍


I bet they fire their Mods for being high all the time



I think it's a requirement.


Be constantly boring, a cranky old woman, a troll or all three...a creepy obsession with mentioning another site and better people seems to be required by everyone in The Borg over at FB...I bet they regret that Toe Jam is so prominent over there but they deserve him...he deserves them👎

Toe Jam's cute meltdown the other day was adorable...he really is a chubby little sport!
Great laughs😂😂😂😂😂😉😉😉😉😉👍👍👍👍👍😆😆😆
'My fruit is rotting on the vine...'
He is a priceless dummy, nobody bought his act for a minute with those nonsense PMs here on MC, we roundly disregarded it all as just more of his stupidity and he had a fine public meltdown on FB was hilarious (even an idiot like juan kerr noticed it and gave him a barb lol...self absorbed idiots are hilarious!)
Nice try goofball
You should light up another doobie and butcher some more grammar😆😆😆

See 'Pet' Rose kiss up to his new bosses (because he is a broken monkey) and wonder at how Miss Fargone and Crazed can wiggle out of their involvement with Toe Jam and Pet Rose as they are becoming pathetic and sad...Fargone and Crazed are two piles of bones that don't care about anyone but themselves...only a matter of days before they start abusing the Pet and Toe Jam

Enjoy your kitty litter box you think-alike, boring losers😉😉😉👍👍👍😆😆😆


Apparently, I was instrumental in Pete's ban because once again, I'm so terrible. He submitted a heavily edited version of a conversation which was the supposed reason for his ban as evidence. Of course, there was no mention of a flaming, name-calling thread immediately followed up with a sock account. No accountability. Every instance of someone being banned from here is portrayed there as a travesty of justice.


Pete was a disappointment...I thought he might become a good fellow but he kept crying about nonsense

His angry mode got old too
Well done on ending him


I still believe in the notion of 'first impressions.' That continues to come through for me.


I noticed that.


I saw that meltdown. The guy has got to get a job or something. 👍👍👍


He needs to take both 'joints' out of both hands to actually get to work...
Not likely to happen😆😆😆👍👍👍😂😂😂



Excellent work but Toe Jam would have to have actual real life friends for this to be his personal way he finds himself in a crowd of fun hippies

We need something more depressing and self loathing...
Is there a song about having no spouse, no job and wearing a stinky robe all day..?

Someone should google that because stinky boy is living that life, poor fat boy


Don't forget the Zingers. He loves his Zingers.


The sorry dope couldn't find Zing with a map and a head start


The Hostess Zingers. lol


He is certainly built out of 100% Hostess Zingers...
I like Toe Jam for that load of garbage but Zinger is a proper challenger as a nick

You decide Amigo


I remember he started a thread about his love of Zingers. A severe case of the munchies I suspect.


What else would he do besides bore everybody with his 'try Hard' act👍👍👍😂😂😂😜😜😜


😬 You know I loves you, but aren't we better than this?


Oh c'mon Cat, a fellow can use up old bait same as fresh, No?

It's fun to see the little fish jump anyway😽


I'm not trying to tell anyone what to do or anything, Shog. It's that you can't throw around old bait and not get some on yourself. Know what I mean?


I enjoy beating up on creeps
It's fun!

Point taken though Cat😘




Much love❤️ back at you dear Lady


Sorry Cat, we are just letting off some steam. We will get beyond it.


You are being very kind... Good for you dude, no respect for the bums on my end👎


Don't get me wrong, I understand your anger. They are snakes.


They are funny idiots, always worth a laugh


I was laughing my ass off over Pet Rose and Miss Fargone. 😊😊


Two worthless bags of the curb those unhappy dirtbags go


Ok. I'm not used to seeing stuff like this on MC, and don't want to get used to it. It's common on that other site. I've had mud flung at me too. *shrug*


It's bound to happen from time to time. What goes on here is very tame in comparison to that other place. A completely different (and better) culture in my opinion. No site will ever be perfect.


By comparison yes, but do you really want the comparison? 😄

All this does is stir up more shite. Is that what you want?


I think we have been relatively restrained here. The odd joke or comment is not a big deal. With time they will all be forgotten.


The dummies over there on FB read our posts like we're writing the Torah because they are ignorant morons...maybe if FB reads this twice they will get the message

MC 10/10

Shut your stupid mouths dummies


To be fair, a number of us read what they write too.

Fighting fire with fire only produces more fire. Everyone thinks they're somehow justified, just like with every other kind of war or conflict.

If someone wants to rent that much free headspace to me, and some obviously do, that's their prerogative.

Life's too short to waste time and energy on this kind of stuff. I'd rather have fun 🙃


All due respect my Dear Lady

I'm having lots of fun on the FB chumps;)


Mostly from here, since I don't have TV either, nor can I remember the last time I read a newspaper. I get my news online mainly, and sometimes there are articles about new shows or movies.
