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A near death expierence I had at my old job

I was walking around a corner and a worker from the kitchen was walking with a knife sticking out and I almost walked into the knife and he said “almost ended your life”. Makes me wanna enjoy life as much as I can.


I’m glad you could turn that near tragic experience into something positive for your life.


You need to get away from everyone in your life Jonesie
They are all crazy!


lol were ALL weird!


We all go a little mad sometimes😬


Did you see the light at the end of tunnel and dearly departed loved ones waving you on?


no unfortunately not


Darn, maybe next time


stay safe.


I hope your co-worker hasn't been entrusted with anything sharp since then.


This is sorta different, but the first place I ever worked at was torn down long ago. The last place I worked at was torn down two months ago. Oh yeah, and the place where I went to the Doctor for years is being torn down now. Weird.



good thing you weren't in them!


Yep and thanks!

I was in Paris three weeks before the Charlie Hebdo shootings. I was in Kathmandu, Nepal three weeks before the 2015 earthquake. I was in Destin, Florida two weeks before Hurricane Michael hit in 2018. I saw and photographed Apollo 13 on the launch pad. I visited Notre Dame in Paris twice before it burned.

A French friend said I have what the French call "The Flair".


PS This is sort of off topic, but I've also been on four storm chasing trips, and have seen 30 tornadoes.


This is complete bs! I have lived in Tornado Alley for most of my life. There are lifelong residents here that have never seen a single tornado, much less what you claim to have witnessed from the comfort of your geriatric tour bus from many miles away.


wow! that's awesome!


Thanks! I've also been to 32 countries. It's been a lot of fun!



So, this is somehow an omen of an impending, near death experience ?


But by stabbing


Just a suggestion... when you decide to comment here...why not at least try to make it have a modicum of sense ?


Haha the knife almost ended your life that’s funny
