MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Phrases You Can't Stand?

Phrases You Can't Stand?

"Tell Us How You Really Feel?"

I could not be friends with anyone who said a line like that. And if they were "family", I'd change my surname.


"you can achieve everything you want"




"If you just work/dream hard enough"


"Let me educate you"

I want to punch someone in the face when they say that, do they think they are my mentor or something?


I blew up at the internet support person because they said this to me. They were trying to justify some bullshit charge. I told them that I would "educate them" by telling them I am the customer and can just end my business citing them as the reason.

I seem to get a discount now lol.

The phrase is so condescending.


"walk back"

This was an expression created by a writer too illiterate to know that the proper terms has always been "backtrack." I see this bullshit all the time now (of writers inventing terms because they were too lazy to find the proper one to use), and it angers the hell out of me. If you're not sure of what word you want, you look up a similar word in a thesaurus, which will help you to track it down. You don't make up a new phrase.


"take that back" is silly.. As if that would solve EVERYTHING!


"Diversity is our strength" quite popular down here and absolute bullshit.
"They enrich us" as per above.
"Don't talk back to me" this might be an older one but what does it mean? It never made sense to me.
"Don't take it personally" ahhh if you are attacking me it's personal!
"Safe place" simply calling somewhere safe does not make it so.
"How are you?" maybe this is more a question than a phrase but it annoys me because not many answers it truthfully or asks it wanting to hear the truth.
"Thank you squire" this might just apply to Australia but it was a popular saying about 10 or so years ago. So I am your lackey and you are a knight, thanks.
"Just do your best" and if my best isn't good enough? Used to hear that at school all the time and then teachers would come down on me. But I did try my fucking best!
"If you work hard you can achieve anything you want" The world does not work like this.


I love them all..

I reply with "I'm a person. How else can I take it, if not personally?"


Yeah, recently at work they spoke about people needing to have "resilience" I translate that to meaning "We are going to treat you like shit and you are going to take it. If you can't take our shit then obviously you are weak and ill suited to the role".





"Don't take this the wrong way, but..."

"Don't get angry."

"I'm not racist, but..."

"Calm down." (Said in a condescending way when you're not angry at all and are just disagreeing with the person, or after someone deliberately provokes you.)


"relax" (especially when its online, out of their sight)


“Nothing is impossible” Just because a great number of things are possible doesn’t mean that there isn’t a much larger number of things that are impossible.


"Don't take it personally" -- well, I'm a person. How else can I take it? :)
