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Neighborhood antics 🤪

I like stories about weird neighbors or unusual happenings around the neighborhood. I recently posted about one in mine:

What's happening in your neck of the woods? Have some fun. Nothing is too mundane.


Who mows after dark? Apparently Bozo's ex-girlfriend does. It's 7 pm and it's definitely dark here, yet she's outside mowing, except this time she has a power mower - must have borrowed it somewhere?? To be fair, their porch light is on, but that's all.

On second thought, maybe she's just mowing all the leaves that dropped from their two huge maple trees. I noticed yesterday that Bozo did his usual method of dealing with them, which is to rake them into a pile at the base of each tree and just leave it. Maybe she got after him about that, and he told her she could do something if she's so concerned about the leaves. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


She's out there again right now. Hokey smokes - Bozo's yard is getting mowed twice in two days! At least it's an hour earlier than yesterday and there's still a little bit of daylight left (cloudy all day so it's a bit darker than it would be otherwise). Oh wait, maybe she's re-doing it because she missed too many spots last night. 🤔 Or she just likes having a power mower.


I'm still laughing and shaking my head over Bozo. An hour ago he was out in his back yard. I don't believe for one minute that he was tidying up, but he was dragging stuff out of his garage and shed. Among other things, he has three snowblowers and three lawn mowers! (Note this does not include the mower he threw in the weeds that have overtaken the other side of his garage.) Now, I know none of the mowers work because this summer he was either using a week-wacker to mow, or he had his ex-girlfriend use a reel mower.

He did manage to get at least one of the snowblowers started. I just don't get it. All those power "toys" and do any of them work?? Wouldn't you think you'd pick one mower and take it in to get repaired if you can't do it yourself? Somehow he'd rather struggle with the weed-wacker than do that. But hey, he only mows about three times all summer, so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


He sounds like the type of guy that should be featured on Hoarders or American Pickers....or maybe both.


Ha ha. That's what Mrs Neighbor says! Apparently his mom is what we used to call a pack-rat so I suppose it's no stretch to imagine where he got his habits from.


So Bozo's single now? He does sound like quite a catch!


He has been single for quite a while. His ex-girlfriend has been around a bit more the past couple of months. I have no idea why. They have a son together, but I don't know that they were ever married.

Be careful what you say. Your last sentence makes it sound like you might be interested...

Nah, you're not that desperate, are you? I'm sure you still have plenty of basement action over there.


Sheriff's helicopter looking for reefer patches.
