MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Abbreviations/Acronyms Need To Stop

Abbreviations/Acronyms Need To Stop

I keep reading misinterpretations (mostly on other forums) because no one knows what the fuck the other is talking about? Is it so hard to type 3 more letters? Many have many meanings, especially in different parts of the world.

Anyone who replies with an acronym and/or abbreviation (in a stupid attempt to be hep) is an idiot.

People can't even spell anymore. And I think most won't bother to ask for clarification. I've seen non-English people speak just fine, so its not them. It's usually more proper, anyway. Respect language - it's the only way we communicate.


I find them annoying and rarely use them. On a similar topic I keep trying to use emojis in my texts. I think I'm doing it just to feel young, but it feels stupid to me most of the time.




You are absolutely right! I hate it when films, tv shows, newscasters, newspapers use acronyms without explaining what it means! It happens all the time.


Each countries also have their own.. Lots of other institutions use the same ones (military and medical, etc etc)
