MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What did you watch this week Louise? (13...

What did you watch this week Louise? (13/10-19/10)

Comment on mine, I'll comment on yours, you know the drill.

My week:

Easy Rider (1969 TV): I dig this movie man. I really dig it. Its randomness is a bit strong but it made its charms too. The sudden violence was unexpected and had its full effect but I found the second shotgun kill a bit stretched. I would’ve preferred the movie without it but hey, it was still a joyful ride for me. Apparently, the shooting was insane and everyone was high, drunk and fighting each other on set (well, Hopper was). I’m glad they managed to deliver a final product because I quickly realised this movie inspire hundreds and hundreds of road trip/drugs fueled movies. I’d give 7/10 to the first half because it’s a bit pointless at times but the second half was almost perfect with a 9/10 so overall, my rating is: 8/10.

War of the world (2005 TV): First of all, this movie looks great! Congratulations for the amazing special effects 2005. I found the action to be gripping and the story kept me on the edge of my seat. Unlike Easy Rider, the first half was the best part here but overall; Wells, Spielberg, Cruise; good job guys! My rating: 7.5/10

Coneheads (1993 TV): I was too young to know the source material but I loved this movie as a boy. I actually thought it was a hit comedy and that other people loved it too but I now realise, as a young adult, that I’m one of the few. I also enjoyed it a lot after all those years without seeing it. I mean c’mon, it IS funny. Just in the last 20 minutes I can give you small examples: the way the camera goes back to Prymatt after we see their planet for the first time and she’s still sleeping and breathing like a dog. The way Beldar defeats the Garthok with his “golf club” and his look after, the way the human agent keeps acting when he’s on their planet. What else do you want, a cute love story between the most beautiful Conehead girl and my boy Chris Farley? Well you got that too man! Anyways, I love everything Bonnie and Terry Turner touch so, my rating: 8/10

Constantine (2005 TV): I did not like it much when it came out but it was better this time. Still not great but I found that the qualities outweighed the flaws. The cast was good and that cross-gun was a thing to behold. My rating: 6/10


My ratings of what you watched:

Easy Rider 6/10
War of the Worlds 6/10
Coneheads Seen it years ago, been too long to rate it.
Constantine 8/10

My ratings of what I watched:

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019) 7/10
Vendetta (1986) 7/10
The Ghoul (2016) 7/10
Teen Spirit (2018) 7/10
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) 7/10
Needful Things (1993) 8/10
The Dark Half (1993) 7/10
Tall in the Saddle (1944) 7/10


El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019) I think I agree with your 7/10 assessment. My biggest gripe is that the entire charm of Todd in the series was his boyish look and mannerisms while still being a psychopath. All that was just not there for me watching him 40 pounds heavier. I am glad though, being able to know Jessie’s outcome.


For some reason I thought you would’ve been an easy Rider fan.

None of yours for me.


I can see why you would think that and it does seem the type of movie I usually like, but I found it disappointing and somewhat boring.


My ratings of what StoneKeeper watched:

Easy Rider 7/10 I've been considering watching it since it's available on Amazon Prime Video at the moment, since I haven't seen it in a long time. I remember some good scenes in it.
War of the Worlds 6/10 Could of been so much better without the Broken Family BS the Spielberg puts in. Take that out and I would rate it a 8/10.
Coneheads Never seen it. Could maybe watch just to see Chris Farley in it, but it would be a stretch.
Constantine Never seen it

My ratings of what Allaby watched:

El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie (2019) Never seen it
Vendetta (1986) Sounds interesting. I've seen a similar one in Caged Heat, years ago.
The Ghoul (2016) Never seen it
Teen Spirit (2018) Never seen it
Robinson Crusoe on Mars (1964) Never seen it
Needful Things (1993) Saw the 4-Hour TV version years ago, seemed okay though not my cup of tea.
The Dark Half (1993) Never seen it
Tall in the Saddle (1944) Never seen it

My week:

EARTHQUAKE (1974) A bit slow in parts but some great action scenes. My Rating: 7/10.

X-MEN: ORIGINS: WOLVERINE (2009) I've started re-watching my favorites from this series. This deserves to be rated higher than most people think. My Rating: 8/10.

MR. MAJESTYK (1974) Charles Bronson everyman flick with great Ford F150 truck cross-country chase. My Rating: 7/10.

REPULSION (1965) Early Roman Polanski directed film with a great performance by Catherine Deneuve, lovely and increasingly psychotic. My Rating: 7/10.

TOMMY BOY (1995) I've watched it so many times, never get tired of seeing the great potential we lost when Chris Farley was taken away. Tommy's personal growth from beginning to end is so well portrayed. You can really see how some people considered Farley and Spader to possibly be a new Laurel & Hardy. Julie Warner is perfecty cast as the love interest. My Rating: 8/10.


BLACK SNAKE MOAN (2006) I liked this better than I expected and will probably watch again soon. Riveting performance by Christina Ricci and Samuel L. Jackson as a Bible-reading christian who isn't afraid to be real, dropping the going-to-church mask and showing his weaknesses and strengths. My Rating: 8/10.

INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE (1989) Still a great action film, my 2nd-Place in the series after Raiders of the Lost Ark. My Rating: 8/10.

OUT FOR JUSTICE (1993) Steven Segal's best action film. My Rating: 8/10.

CARNY (1980) A young Jodie Foster and an over-the-top Gary Busey make this very watchable. My Rating: 8/10.

MUNICH (2005) The Mossad unleash vengeance after the 1972 Olympic Games massacre of the Israeli atheletes. My Rating: 9/10.

NIGHT AT THE OPERA, A (1935) Still hilarious Marx Brothers antics. My Rating: 8/10.

X-MEN 1.5 (2000) I had never heard of X-Men before they came out with this film series. For me, it was refreshing to see some new superheroes and villians after growing up with only Superman and Batman (and eventually Spiderman). My Rating: 7/10.

SOUTH PACIFIC (1958) Wifely request that was available at our Pubic Library. Slow-moving and overlong. Better if they cut out about 3 songs. My Rating: 4/10.


I like your style jobie. Can I ask your ASC? (Age-sex-city) Mine is: 33-male-Quebec

X-MEN: ORIGINS: WOLVERINE: more good than bad. 6.5/10
Tommy Boy: My man!! 7.5/10
Black Snake Moan: Personnaly, I expected a little bit more. 6.5/10
OUT FOR JUSTICE (1993: I dont remember it well enough but Im sure it'S not better than Under Seige and Glimmer man
X-Men: I much prefer the films that came after the first 3. 6/10


Thanks, Stone. 61-male-Mesa, AZ


Anybody seen Richie? I’m gonna keep coming back here until somebody remembers seeing Richie!


One of those great quotes that really helps define this movie. And a great intro that really starts the action rolling. I hate guys that think it's okay to hit a woman.


I haven’t seen this one since the 90’s but I remember Bronson helping some immigrants and protecting his Majestyk Mellons. I also remember lots of 4x4 action.


My first time seeing it in ages, too.


Stonekeepers movies:
Easy Rider (1969) your summary defiantly sums this classic up nicely, especially the part about it kicking off the films that would follow in its wake. I agree: 8/10

Movies I saw this week:

Deep Red (1975) Excellent Italian Giallo film, directed by Argento and an amazing score by Goblin. I’ve always loved this mystery with great performances by David Hemmings and Daria Nicolodi. This is one of the best of the Genre And highly recommended.

Razorback (1984) This Aussie horror movie about a huge wild boar who terrorizes the outback was recommended to me by a user here and I’m glad I checked it out. I’m pretty sure one one of the girls in it was in one of the Mad Max films and it kinda has that vibe even thought it’s not set in post apocalyptic times. Anyone who likes man vs animal horror movies should give this one a viewing.

Foxbat (1977) Hong Kong film that gets its story from the true incident where a Soviet pilot defected in a Mig aircraft. This is an odd spy film that I’m still on the fence about. I would only recommend this to spy movie fanatics or Henry Silva completist.

Redneck (1973) This film is an Italian Eurocrime story about two bad guys on the run with a young hostage. Telly Savalas has a southern accent dub that ruins this one for me and Franco Nero’s performance is under par as well. Not Recommended.

The Toolbox Murders (1978)
I have to say I am a huge Cameron Mitchell fan and I love his 70’s and 80’s stuff most of all but he was just not convincing in this sleazy slasher. Not recommended.
Edit: Cameron Mitchell is not convincing in many roles that I still love but something didn’t click here.


Thanks man!

I haven't seen yours but they sound interesting to say the least.


Deep Red looks interesting, I'm going to see if I can get to it this week. Maybe Razorback, too. Thanks for sharing, Mrmojo.


Glad you enjoyed Razorback mojo


Thank you for recommending it. 👍


Easy Rider was a very influential movie. Hollywood freeing itself from the Hays Code. 8/10
War of the Worlds - should never have shown the aliens. 7/10


If you talk about the living aliens - I agree!
If you talk about the tripods: Shut-up!


Yeah the tripods were really a step up from the 1953 version.


The Last Picture Show (1971) - finally saw it. Ben Johnson deserved his Oscar. Good performances all around and a great look at the repression of 1950s America. A bit of an overkill on the Country&Western music. 8/10

At Eternity's Gate (2018) - This one focused more on van Gogh and left out the other people in his life such as his brother and Gaugin. The movie has a lot of closeups of Dafoe while painting or walking around. I am not sure what it adds to the van Gogh narrative but Hollywood is fascinated with the guy. Dafoe was worthy of the Oscar nom but I don't think this movie was as good as Lust For Life. 7/10

Mary (2019) - what was Gary Oldman doing in this very short stinker of a horror movie. Not very good. 5/10

Corridors of Blood (1958) - Boris Karloff is great in this as a doctor who gets addicted to morphine. Quality horror/thriller from the 1950s. 7.5/10

The Haunted Strangler (1958) - another Boris Karloff horror from 1958. This time he plays a journalist who gets possessed by a serial killer he is investigating. Karloff was great at transforming himself. 7/10

Fractured (2019) - A couple stops at a gas station, where their 6 y.o. daughter's arm is fractured. They hurry to a hospital. Something strange is going on there. This has been done many times. I guessed most of what was going on. Worthington was good as the protagonist. 6.5/10


Fractured (2019)
I did have something along those same thoughts. It’s like this plot is creating its own genre.


I agree with your ratings, except I’ve never seen Easy Rider (crazy, I know) and I would give Constantine 7/10. I wish they made a series out of that instead of John Wick.

I watched two new movies

Joker (2019) - Joaquin Phoenix turned in a great, maybe Oscar-worthy performance, but I thought movie itself was drab, depressing, repetitive and predictable. It dragged on way too long and the music was grating on my ears. Most people don’t agree but I only give it 4/10.

The Witch aka The VVitch: A New England Folktale (2015) - Spooky in places but mainly boring. Dialogue was very difficult to discern because of the accents and just poor audio clarity, so I needed subtitles. 5/10


easy rider - 4/5 i would probably be happier if i could live my life as a dirty, smelly hippie. it's a wobbly film in some ways, i agree, but as a film that captured an era & a moment, it has few peers.

war of the worlds 4/5 underrated, i think. that tim robbins scene never quite worked for me, and it has a slightly too happy ending, but otherwise this is a model blockbuster action film in my books.

my week:

i tonya (2017) 4 honestly, just about everything about this is a delight, except when it's genuinely sad. i truly feel bad for harding.

my only objection is that perhaps the film-makers take just a bit too much glee in beating up on the characters, particularly dimwitted bodyguard.

war of the worlds (1957) 3.5 i reliably have a good time whenever i revisit this.

bite (2015) 3 girl gets one hell of an infection from an insect bite while on a bachelorette weekend. not a great deal of sense-making to be found here, but the effects area absolutely disgusting - would make cronenberg proud, i bet! - and the lead actress goes all in on her performance. truly disgusting!

the eyes of my mother (2016) 4 genuinely arresting at times - occasionally almost poetically beautiful, but also filled with truly nightmarish images. some may feel like it's a bit long on atmosphere & short on narrative, but i thought it played perfectly, & i think it's becoming one of my favourites of all recent horror films.

pieces (1982) 4 my favourite 80s slasher. i wish i could marry this movie.

the forest of love (2019) 3.5 new sion sono. like a lot of his films, there's a lot to take in with sono's latest, and i feel like he may have stretched the boundaries just a bit too far. i definitely was left feeling a little wrung out & exhausted rather than feeling satisfied. but i still had lots & lots of fun at times, & it's definitely worth the watch if you're at all a fan of what this guy does.

absentia (2011) 4 mike flanagan has a true gift for taking material that would be cliched & tired in almost anyone else's hands & making it fresh & creepy & atmospheric. i've said in the past that oculus was his best, but after giving this another go for about the 15th time, i'm now leaning towards this one. everything in this works aside from some slightly soap opera-ish acting.

loving vincent (2017) 2.5 it's very pretty to look at, but i found this to be a very uninteresting story. it was endlessly dreary & tiresome & i couldn't wait for it to end.

king kelly (2012) 4 cam girl spends the night trying to find the drugs hidden in the trunk of her car. fun, energetic, sleazy, drug fueled romp.

sinister (2012) 3.5 a bit too long & a bit too loose in its story-telling i'd say, but the found footage scenes are genuinely creepy.

macabre (1980) 3.5 murder, necrophelia, creepy children. this takes a little while to get interesting, but when it gets interesting it gets really interesting!

wonderfully twisted, & absolutely worth a look.

gwen (2019) 3.5 period horror-ish film that absolutely earns comparisons to the witch. not nearly as good imo, but if you liked the earlier film, you'll probably find things to enjoy here.

scream (1996) 3.5 surprisingly little sheen has worn off, i'd say.
still plays like a snappy, fun good time to me.

scream 2 (1997) 2.5 a bit too busy & cluttered, i'd say. still has its pleasures, but not on the level of the original model.

(rec) 2007 5 i feel a bit silly giving this a perfect score, because it's not a perfect movie. the first 65 minutes or so is fairly standard found footage/monster/outbreak scares. it's all very well done, but it's not appreciably superior to other reasonably well made films of this sort.

but the last 15 minutes are truly terrifying. i actually yelled in fright at one point, not to sound like too much of a god-damned sissy.

this is the only film i honestly feel has genuinely frightened the adult me. and to me, being the only film to get that out of me makes this worthy of a perfect score.

35 shots of rum (2008) 4 nothing special in subject matter - widowed father navigates his life as his daughter gets ready to move on - but it worked its way into my head & i ended up loving it & really being quite moved by its ending.

scream 3 (2000) 2 uninspired blandness seems to have firmly established itself as the dominant tone in this one. still some fun to be had, particularly in the opening, but it tails off into numbing boredom.

a few bonus points for featuring parker posey, but any goodwill is dissipated by the presence of jenny mccarthy ffs.

the conspiracy (2012) 3 ound footage conspiracy (duh) thriller that imagines what it would be like if alex jones was right about the world. quite good & fun, but left me feeling that there was a better film hidden in the clutter here. if it had been tightened up a little, particularly in the last third, it could have achieved something close to greatness.

absolutely worth a watch, regardless.


penance (2009) 2.5 like a lot of found footage affairs, this is dull for a spell, but my gosh it has some absolutely brutal stuff in it. if you like seeing reasonably foxy strippers subjected to quite miserable torments, and if you enjoy a bit of torture porn, you'll find things to enjoy here.

hatchetman (2003) 3 stripper/aspiring lawyer & her policeman boyfriend try to catch a serial killer targeting strippers.

at the 43 minute mark, the building manager, who presumably should know a little bit about tenant privacy & so on, is shocked to learn that it's illegal to put a camera in a stripper's apartment so he can watch her undress.

clearly i knew this wasn't a serious movie, but that was a level of non-seriousness that took me aback.

it's fun though. soap opera level acting, cute girls, lots of nudity, silly murder mystery.


I’m glad you got to enjoy Pieces again. Did you get to see those pro tennis skills? That’s a damn awesome movie.


feder/nadal wimbledon 2008 has nothing on pieces incredible exhibition of tennis skill!


We need a slasher topic for people to post good ones since it’s Halloween.



-Clue (1985)
Kind of a weird movie, to be honest. Never really laugh-out-loud funny. Could've been more of a parody on murder mysteries.

TV Shows:

-Relic Hunter - marathon

-The Bold and the Beautiful - marathon of very old episodes

-Twilight Zone (1959) - marathon

-Murder She Wrote - marathon
