MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you donate blood?

Do you donate blood?

I did today and I feel lightheaded. I did my duty.


It's odd that it's something most people can do, and do regularly, but is almost always in demand.


they are always calling for more donations here. twice a year is all i can take.


I think it's the red cross that sponsors and conducts the majority of blood drives, here at least, and they're always saying that there's not just a global but also a national shortage. It's been a couple years since I've paid attention, but I can't imagine it's changed much.
A resource like yours, you, is... invaluable.
Donating is hard, huh? A real physical drain. Oh, um, no pun intended. Lol didn't realize what I was saying ;) That was funny!


No, for three different reasons.

1: I really don't like needles.

2: I take so many medicines, that my blood will be bad anyway.

3: l'm a bit like a Jehova's Wittness, when it comes to these things. So I don't want anybody else to receive my blood.
