MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you noticed most men are afraid to ...

Have you noticed most men are afraid to speak out against how absurd “feminism” has gotten?

It’s fucking pathetic. Bill Burr said it best - “no men speak out against it because they want to fuck them.”

In addition to that there is the population of betas who are simply afraid to speak out despite not expecting any sexual favors in return.

Very sad times. If they just wanted equality that would be acceptable but they want to take over and supplant men turning the tables and assuming power over them. The sad part is we’re letting them.


Maybe stop thinking in terms of “we” vs. “they” and it will all make some sense.




Screwed it more like...


I see what you did there,


Just trying to poke a spoke into the Wheel of Woke...


Nice bit of poetry there, Quasi ;)


Thank you verrah much...


The weird thing is that when you look at studies of women who identify as feminists, the percentage is low. It's pretty much no higher than 30% in every country.


First the blacks, then the gays, then the women--when will it ever be the time for us straight white guys!


Come on Thaisticks we straight white guys have had a pretty good run of it for the past few hundred years. But what I want to know is what makes the feminists, LGBTIHQA's, blacks, other minorities and the ' We-are-all-one Woke Brigade ' so certain that they could do a better job ? What qualifications do they have ? What training ? What work experience ? What aptitude ? A big fat zero's worth that's what. And yet they expect everything to be handed over to them simply because they think they are the Princes and Princesses who will magically make everything wonderful...


Exactly! How many countries have they ever run! How many religions have they ever founded! What have they accomplished outside of the kitchen or music hall!


Wow that's sure to get some attention!


The only time I ever hear feminism spoke of is on this site. I don’t know any feminists. The guys I know don’t seem to have the same problems with women that some of the men on here do. I have been accused of being a feminist a few times on MC simply because I’m a female. Do you actually feel the need to speak out against feminism with the girls you know, or are you just assuming all chicks are men-hating, power hungry feminazis? Just curious where you are getting your ideas of how women think. It makes me wonder if you know any females at all.


This is a link to a recent Australian public radio program. If you can stand the stupidity it's worth a listen to understand the level of insanity that is at work.

The feminist speaker seriously wants men to shut up, clear their minds of everything that they currently believe in and let radical feminist theory tell them what to think about everything. One of the co-hosts of the program slavishly goes along with all of it while the other puts up resistance.


Ok, I listened to this. I honestly didn’t understand the point any of them were trying to make. The whole debate seemed irrelevant. I can’t imagine this woman having much sway on anyone. She had nothing to say. I know nothing about feminism or what the radical feminist movement stands for. To me the answer is simple. Treat everyone with respect. I don’t know why people feel they need to belong to a group to have a valid opinion. Or maybe they just can’t think for themselves so they need to be told what to think. I find it all to be horseshit.


Wow, the whole thing ? That was going above and beyond the call of duty and I apologize for the trauma. These people are representative of the university educated and supposedly highly intelligent elite movers and shakers and more and more they are having an influence on the way things are presented and done. They are a danger to Western Civilisation in that they want to tear it down and replace it with their own ivory tower fantasy.


Feminazis - I got a good chuckle from that ;)
I think moviebuff got stood up or a girl gave him a hard rejection or something. He's got another recent post where he rants about how tough single guys have it. That's not really been my experience but I dunno what happened to him.
People are the same everywhere - they have issues. Some worse than others. Ces't la vie.


I haven’t been stood up or rejected recently, I’ve just been in the game long enough to know how it works. Girls have extremely inflated opinions of themselves from growing up being told how special and beautiful they are and then having this reinforced by the hundreds of guys trying to fuck them. Your experience has been different because A. You are famous, extremely good looking, or loaded. B Your standards are as low as most other guys. 99.99% chance B.


I just follow my own advice, man. You should try it. Women pick up on a bad attitude as well as anyone else.


I have no idea why this guy has trouble with women. He’s a real charmer!


No doubt. If he talks to them the way he does in his posts I can't understand why the females aren't climbing over each other to be the first to bask in his obviously sweet personality.


Froggy, I was thinking something similar as well. The only place I hear of feminism is on the internet. In the world I live in and in my circles I revolve in on a daily basis there is no feminist ideas being propagated that I am aware of. Maybe people should get their ideas from their real life experiences instead off of tv and the net.

By the way, thanks for Having my back with that jerk on the other thread. He’s such a troll. :)


Of course, anytime my dude! That wanker must live a sad existence.
It’s an odd world we live in now with so many people making life choices based on the opinions of a bunch of random strangers on the internet. People won’t even watch movies without first finding out what everybody has to say about it. They choose vacations based on how good their selfie pics will look on that facebook. It’s insane to me how people will say, “Look, I’m right because these 5 other bozos share my opinion.” That’s no way to live as far as I’m concerned. I’m glad to know you also enjoy living in the real world. There’s some pretty amazing shit happening out there and I don’t want to miss any of it!


I agree. My wife, sister-in-law and sister never talk about this stuff. They are too busy working and raising families.




The guys I know don’t seem to have the same problems with women that some of the men on here do

Ahem, one detail:
problems with feminism != problems with women;

Your welcome :-)


What are you talking about crackpot?


The thread is about feminism, not about women. Modern feminism is a political/religious ideology. Feminists are to women what commies are to poor.

Of course, you're free to agree or disagree with feminist ideology, but labeling any critique towards feminism as a critique towards women is dishonest debate, to say it politely.


I meant exactly what I said and I don’t need you to correct me.


I wasn't correcting what you said. I was fully dismissing what you said for being a fallacy.


You responded to my post to let me know you were dismissing everything I said? Got it. Thanks bub, always a pleasure.


I responded to your post and explained that you were using a very usual SJW fallacy: if you don't agree with modern feminism, then you must hate women, or have problems with women or something like that.

That's like saying that if you don't agree with communism, then you hate poor people. Or saying that if you don't like Hitler, then you hate Germans. Those are similar fallacies.


You responded to my post by explaining to me how I think? The reason I used the word women instead of feminism is because based on many of the op’s previous posts, he does seem to have a problem with women, not just feminists. Like I told you, I meant exactly what I said.


I didn't explained to you how you think. Indeed, I'm not sure you do such a thing.

I explained how your argument is a fallacy. Now you try to justify your argument because of the op. Well, this is another fallacy called 'ad hominem'.


Well that’s just silly. I have no reason to justify anything. I don’t care about feminism either way so I never had an argument, just a question for the op.


Yet you're melting down and resorting to fallacies because you cant answer anything that he has said.


“He” didn’t ask me any questions. Not one. You’re getting sloppy kuku.


Well, f&t, in this case the name speaks volumes.


Ha! f&t I like that. No one has called me that before😊


Actually I was just being lazy!lol


self-respect is more important than pussy


In theory...


in practice, too... an orgasm lasts for 2 seconds, while you have to live with your conscience forever.


In theory...

PS: My conscience is just fine. How's yours...?


most of the fun is getting there.


Orgasm is the most important thing in life. It's ingrained in the DNA.

However, orgasm doesn't always need a pussy.


There's a good Stanhope bit about "it" being like a zit that needs to be popped. And then back to whatever you were doing 2 mins later.


What's a Stanhope?


Doug Stanhope is a comedian.


I see.


Not sure I follow. Women don’t want sex badly enough to outweigh the social costs of being thought of as a whore? Seems a bit antiquated and seriously conflicts with women’s sexual liberation that is a cornerstone of feminism.


It's not antiquated. It's biological. Being promiscuous is gonna have always a social cost for women, since it increases the probability that the child is not from his partner.


How come so-called Feminists still take Nude roles and pose in scant clothing


Because they choose to? Their body, their choice.


makes them hypocrites


I'd ask you to explain but I don't care that much


I think it’s obvious, they’re bitching about being treated like sex objects then they act like sex objects. It’s retarded.


Your answer is too general. Who are 'they'? It's like you think feminists have a hive mind and all think exactly the same way. Who specifically do you mean? Can you give me an example?


Check any article about 'objectifying women'. This is the first one I got

The article is titled 'How Not To Objectify Women, A Handy Guide'. The's a picture of the writer. You can notice how she wears strongly red lipstick. Red lipstick makes women more attractive because it simulates sexual arousal, and men are more attracted to sexually aroused women. In a nutshell: it's a socially widely accepted way to increase female sexual value by faking sexual arousal. But hey, don't objectify her!


So you think it's ok to objectify her because of the shade of lipstick she wears?


Nope. I think that it's Ok to objectify her, me, you or anybody else in any case. What I meant is that wearing lipstick to simulate sexual arousal while complaining about being objectified in a sexual way is hypocritical.


And why is being naked such a popular form of protest for feminists?


They're fine being objectified. Hypocrisy is an amazing thing.


No, I haven't noticed.


Many more women in the workforce today which is great if you are a single guy.


Gotta love it!


It all started when we gave them the right to vote


barefoot and pregnant was the best. 👍 👍


C'mon you don't mean that. It's hard to pick up on sarcasm in a text so feel free to expound on that. Having had the good fortune of associating with many strong women, I'm a big supporter of women's rights.


I was joking and i know hownos was too


Okay cool. I figured it was a joke but it's hard to tell sometimes... especially in this place.
Plus I can be a little dense according to a couple of my exes 😕


I'm always joking when I say that. No need for them to be barefoot.


Most of the people in here have great senses(?) of humor. When they're not insulting each other lol. I just have to remember to not spend much time in the politics section. 90% of those are just looking for a fight. Yes I'm guilty but I'm learning 😛


I was being sarcastic 😊
