MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you stil buy movies?

Do you stil buy movies?

And if so in what format? I use to buy DVDs every weekend and amassed quite a collection by the time streaming became the new preferred method of viewing. I'll still buy a DVD from time to time but lately I've found myself buying movies and shows on Amazon to add to my digital library. I stream Amazon Prime through my PS4 and it's pretty convenient to have some favorites available.

There are some good deals on Amazon too. Just wondering if others are still buying movies and what format if so?


I still buy dvds


If I really want to own something, I will buy a hard copy, usually dvd or bluray. I don't trust digital. You don't actually own a digital movie and if there are changes in licensing that movie could just disappear.


Or more annoying, they could re-edit the movie, take out scenes now deemed offensive, replace songs in the soundtrack with cheaper ones.


I guess the last movie I bought was Res Evil 6 because I already had the collection going. I just don't watch movies over and over the way I used to anymore.


I know it's old-fashioned of me but I just can't get my head around buying entertainment (either music or films) where I don't have a tangible product to hold in my hands. I love streaming music, TV and films, but if I really want to own something I will buy the physical DVD or CD. For some reason downloading makes me feel like I have a ghost copy, but with a DVD you have the case, cover art, inserts and booklets (not to mention special features on the actual disc). It's just much more personal and special to me than having a file on a device somewhere.


I felt the exact same way for a long time and then using the prime app for my PS4 I realized it was wayyy to easy to buy a movie and have the immediate gratification of putting it on.
The special features are definitely missed though, and even though some streaming services offer that version of the movie, I can't bring myself to spend the extra money.


Special features for sure.


I do, but not as many as I used to. Sure, I stream, but if it's something I really like I'll buy the DVD. I prefer having physical media. Who knows when something will disappear from your favorite streaming services? And you just know it'll happen right about the time you're thinking about watching it.


I do not own a DVD.


I prefer to get the actual film rather than the digital download. I purchased a DVD and got the Digital copy with it. When Ultraviolet folded I was informed that the digital copy I "owned" would no longer be available after a certain date.
