MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Being a single guy should be awesome, bu...

Being a single guy should be awesome, but it sucks

They’re all taken. The ones who aren’t are either fresh off a breakup with huge walls/baggage or “are focused on themselves” until the perfect guy falls in their lap. I’m not a 10 but I’m definitely above average, yet I struggle to get anywhere with any girl I share a mutual attraction with.

It’s really frustrating, almost all of my friends who have regular success are aiming extremely low and many of them are better looking than me. Girls want a relationship, guys want casual sex so even a girl you’re not necessarily attracted to is going to make you work for it. I’ve accepted this and am willing to compromise, I don’t expect to be some kind of man whore I will entertain the idea of dating to marry or at least pretending to but it’s a fucking joke really, they flake over the smallest bullshit even when you play their game. They just have way too many options.

The root of the problem is really that from a young age almosy every girl is told by their fathers how beautiful and special they are. Then every year after puberty, unless they’re obese they are hit on constantly by guys who just want to fuck them, and so they desperately call them “beautiful” and gorgeous and shower them with compliments. Supply and demand.


Have you learned nothing from goodfellas? Just become a made guy and you will get all the hot girls.


Youre not meeting women because youre on here 24/7.
