MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Being a single guy should be awesome, bu...

Being a single guy should be awesome, but it sucks

They’re all taken. The ones who aren’t are either fresh off a breakup with huge walls/baggage or “are focused on themselves” until the perfect guy falls in their lap. I’m not a 10 but I’m definitely above average, yet I struggle to get anywhere with any girl I share a mutual attraction with.

It’s really frustrating, almost all of my friends who have regular success are aiming extremely low and many of them are better looking than me. Girls want a relationship, guys want casual sex so even a girl you’re not necessarily attracted to is going to make you work for it. I’ve accepted this and am willing to compromise, I don’t expect to be some kind of man whore I will entertain the idea of dating to marry or at least pretending to but it’s a fucking joke really, they flake over the smallest bullshit even when you play their game. They just have way too many options.

The root of the problem is really that from a young age almosy every girl is told by their fathers how beautiful and special they are. Then every year after puberty, unless they’re obese they are hit on constantly by guys who just want to fuck them, and so they desperately call them “beautiful” and gorgeous and shower them with compliments. Supply and demand.


You're trying too hard. People usually want what they can't have.
Only give compliments when they're warranted. Enjoy your personal time and let it be known. Invest in yourself. Make women understand that time with you is in demand and that they must be someone special if you're setting some aside for them.
But don't misunderstand me. Don't be arrogant or self centered. Don't be unapproachable.
Just stop trying so hard.
And stop being bitter - it's not attractive.
Good luck ;)


Who said I was trying? I approach but I’m by no means trying too hard.




Stop looking - let the good times roll.


Don't they say you meet someone when you're not looking?


When I was single that’s how it always happened to me.


That's how it happened for both of my wives, my former who passed on 8 years ago and my current wife. I am blessed.


Exactly! Stop looking, stop feeling miserable and bang! It comes to you and then the good times start to happen.


i can confirm that is true Stop looking it usually comes when you least expect it


PM halomaniac


They could be brothers.


Reading this, I'm not even sure what it is that you want.


He wants supermodels coming to him in droves like in the AXE commercials lol.


I want that too! :-)


It gets boring after a while though *raises back of hand to forehead and sighs deeply in melodramatic fashion*


He wants money, success, reputation, and lots of free time.


Nah, he just wanted women that weren't complimented by their fathers.


Honestly dude, you talk about women like they are from a different planet. This is going to sound old hat, but start by making friends with some women. Not saying these gals will turn into girlfriends but they could help you act more normal around women, stop making stupid assumptions about them being heartbroken or hit on all the time or being complimented by their fathers.


Not bad advice. My wife and I were friends before we started dating. Sometimes it works.


Clichéd as it sounds, my wife is my best friend.


very true.


What are you talking about? This has nothing to do with me, I act fine around women. There are no assumptions, my observations are reality, most of them are taken and they do get hit on all the time. What are you talking about?


many, many married men would rather be single


Because when you got a wife, girls seems to hit you for no reason lol.


"Wah, wah, wah, women arent doing everything I want them to! Poor me!"

Well that's reality, other people arent what we want them to be, and dont behave the way we want them to. That's the challenge of life, to deal with people as they are, and to get unrealistic expectations out of our heads before they fuck up any chance of happiness during our brief time on Earth.


Women use to cluster around top attractive guys. That's biological. The same way most men would like to bang every girl. Biology, again.

Monogamy is due to social pressure. You eliminate social pressure, people use to act according to their biological instincts. Women, in particular, gather around alfa guys.

Long term, that's a bad policy. Men use to be far less productive (men only become workhorse when they have a family to provide), and women are not particularly happier, specially once age kicks in. But hey, for better or worse, that's the new progressive world.
