MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Do you read the Bible or ever read one?

Do you read the Bible or ever read one?

I haven't and have absolutely no interest in it.


I have quite a few. Gifts, inheritance, etc. Rarely crack the covers but growing up in the "Bible Belt" you soak up quite a bit by osmosis. Definitely to be taken with a grain of salt.


I went to a Catholic school so I'm familiar with the main stories as well as some of the more obscure ones. As far as actually reading the bible it'd be pretty tough to get through if you were to dive right in and I have no interest in doing so other than a few interesting passages.


I've got a copy lying around somewhere.

I had to buy one for my college history class, and I kept it lying around in case I ever wanted to look something up. Which has happened two or three times in the decades since college, and now I've got google so it probably won't happen again.

Horrible book. Well, it did get better in the second half, but still.


Yes, for research purposes - there’s so many quotes and references that are useful to know.


I have read it cover to cover and it's wonderful!


I don't read fiction


I read it in middle school
It was very dense and confusing but some of the stories were pretty good

I recall that Old Testament God was a violent, vengeful maniac and New Testament Jesus was a bit of a hippy sort though generally likable

Some mixed messages and some proper advice were included


Of course I did
