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What did you watch on this cold ass week? (10/11-16/11)

I barely had time to rake the leaves and the place is covered in white shit! Oh well, like I said last week, just a reason to watch more movies!

My week:

Lights out (2016 TV): I didn’t like it. It’s not particularly bad or anything but I found it to be mediocrely forgettable and filled with cheap jump scares. The more horror movies I watch lately the more I realise how The Conjuring 2 was great. My rating: 4.5/10

Don’t be afraid of the dark (2010 TV): I liked this one. I thought the little creatures were pretty cool. This horror flick does not break the mold but props for keeping my interest all the way till the final. My rating: 6.5/10

Fort bliss (2014 TV): “After returning home from an extended tour in Afghanistan, a decorated U.S. Army medic and single mother struggles to rebuild her relationship with her young son.” I think Michelle Monaghan is a wonderful and beautiful actress and this movie was a great vehicle for her. And by vehicle I mean a tank. Both me and my wife enjoyed it and it was touching without being cheesy. My only complaint: I hate Ron Livingston’s face. Urgh! My rating: 6.5-7/10

Suspect Zero (2004 TV): This movie was decent enough for me. I don’t know what’s up with the metascore of 37 and the tomatometer of 18%. The imdb rating of 5.8 is closer to the truth if you ask me. I don’t know what’s up with the horror genre listed but trust me it’s a crime-mystery, and a decent one at that. It was not without reminding me a solid X-files episode too. Eckhart, Kingsley and Moss all did a fine job and the story was decent, did I mention that? My rating: a decent 6/10

Independence Day: resurgence (2016 TV): I think that if you go in with the right expectations, you can enjoy this movie on some levels, one of the being the comedic aspect of it. I quickly noticed the hint of humour in the whole thing and it was a relief. Otherwise this would have been a complet failure. The way the humans acted and talked was unsettlingly bad a times and the story was not groundbreaking but the visuals were impressive and the action was entertaining. My favourite scene was the old man in the boat. 2 hours length was a bit too much so: 5/10

I started Insurgent (2015) but after 50 minutes I did not care for a single character and I realized it was not even the first movie of the franchise so I stopped it and deleted it.


i Just got the hang of Hulu so alot of Christmas movies.


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