MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Name three books you like.

Name three books you like.

1984 - George Orwell
A Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
Wind In The Willows - Kenneth Graeme


Three non fiction

Moon: The Life and Death of a Rock Legend by Tony Fletcher
The Onion Field by Joseph Wambaugh
Popular Crime by Bill James


The Long Road Home- Danielle Steel
Odd Thomas- Dean Koontz
A Time To Kill- John Grisham




First Blood
Watership Down
Salem's Lot

Only 3 is pretty hard


Yeah I like those too


I agree, Shogun; 3 is just getting started for me.


I'm not gonna start listing my books. I've read everyday for almost 50 years. It's my one true addiction ;)


It's an addiction for me, too. I always have at least one book going - sometimes two at the same time.


It's good isn't it? I actually don't feel right if I don't read everyday. Every book teaches me something, even if just a little thing I might or might not use one day.
I can always tell who doesn't read.


I know! It leaves a hole if I don't get to read something every day. I enjoy learning stuff, even if it's nothing significant to me. People and places are my favorites.


It's something not everyone understands


Great stories
I wonder if the excellent film version of First Blood had been more faithful to the book what sort of movie it might have been...It would be way different but maybe just as good


i remember hugely enjoying watership down when we took it in high school. haven't read it since, or watched the movie. i almost don't want to taint my memory of it.


I've read it 3 times and certainly will again
Netflix made a very nice mini series which is faithful to the story...the animation isn't flawless but it was still very good


A Storm of Swords, Blood Meridian, and Philosopher Stone. The objectively best 3 books of all time


Good choices


A Storm of Swords was a magnificent novel, the best of a very excellent series
Great pick


So when will they make a movie out of Blood Meridian? It's like the only Cormac McCarthy novel that hasn't been adapted.


Many, including me, think it wouldn't translate well to screen. What makes the book is the prose, something that is hard to do on film, and of course the Judge is pretty difficult to cast. People also say the violence is also unfilmable, but I disagree, there are many movies and tv shows out there that are more gory. And most of the worst stuff is implied or off screen, like the child abuse stuff


Sheila Kohler's 1999 novel, Cracks, was adapted into film by Scott Free productions (the rights were purchased immediately upon publication). Although it's an outstanding film that I recommend, it differs VASTLY from the book. The source material is a lot like Lord of the Flies, but with girls - very sexualized girls between 12 and 16. The nudity and saphic experimenting would make it near impossible to film with young enough actresses. And marketing to a viable target audience just isn't going to happen. (Unless they fill the cast with very bankable teen actresses with English accents, and there's only one Millie Bobby Brown).


Z for Zacharia - Robert C. O'Brien
The Riders - Tim Winton
Liquor - Poppy Z. Brite


I'm familiar with The Riders. I think.


Hotel (Arthur Hailey)
Paper Moon (Joe David Brown)
Rustlers' Paradise (William Colt MacDonald)


I used to love an Arthur Hailey book. I remember Airport most of all.


The Lord of the Rings - J.R.R. Tolkien
The Foundation Trilogy - Isaac Asimov
Another Roadside Attraction - Tom Robbins


Hell yeah. You found my heart. I have a box set of The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings that I bought in 1981. I read the Foundation Trilogy in... '76 I think.


I'm just going to name one because Its what you guys consider wasted time fodder.. But its good. C is for Corpse. Sue Grafton. Hey she is dead you are obligated to read it.


I think I have a bunch of those books and a different letter on each.


Thanks I know these guys don't respect anything that isn't Stephen king or above. Sue Grafton is my favorite author. I have listened to every audiobook she has released amazing.


all reading is good Ms Crum 😊 😊
