MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone still write checks at the su...

Does anyone still write checks at the supermarket?

If so, why?

P.S. Just so you know, if you do, everyone behind you in line, hates you.


Ah, they hate me anyway. :-)


Do supermarkets still even accept cheques? I could see that going bad often.


They do and the funny thing is, the money comes right out of your account right then and in a lot of stores, after they scan the check, they give it back to you. So basically it's the same as using a debit card but it holds up the line while the individual fills it out.


OK haven't seen anyone use one for ages here for anything. My cheque book is still sitting in drawer half used and I have had it for 10 years.

Yeah, I was thinking that it may have become more electronic than it used to be. Why would anyone bother with it?!


All I can come up with is some relics just refuse to join the 21st century. I've had an ATM card since 1984 and have never had a single problem. I tried explaining this to a guy who said he didn't trust them but he wasn't having it.


I can be quite cynical and untrusting but at a certain point you just need to accept some element of risk or you will be continually bogged down (and bog other people down) with doing things the old fashioned way.


Fear of the unknown, most likely. I haven't had a checkbook for years, pay bills online, make purchases online.


I still insist on using my ATM card when all the young kids nowadays use their phone to pay for everything. I know, boomer problem.


not the case when Ive done it, it usually take 2 days to clear for me, i have been told it automatically comes out by my father who is a banker but it simply is not true in my case




Someday you'll have to write a post about the caps lock. I tried to ignore it but now even I'm curious.
No rush.


No but I write checks to pay bills.


But do you write bills to pay checks tho?


Not sure what you mean. I just write checks rather than use a credit card.


Brings back some memories...I moved from NYC to Minneapolis in 1988, and I remember someone paying by check at a fast food restaurant. I was stunned. If you tried to pay by check at a NYC fast food place (e.g. McDonald's) they would look at you like you just landed from Mars.

(I left MN in 1997)

Edit: I only use a check if I owe anything on my Federal tax return. So typically I write one check a year.


The last time I saw anyone paying with a check was in The Big Lebowski :-)


Nope. Wrote one a couple days ago to renew my drivers license, tho. First time in years, no kidding.
99% of my banking is online.


well if you're poor you can play the game. the day before you get paid write a check at the supermarket and get some food before you get paid. when the check cashes hopefully the cash is in the bank (most of the time) to avoid overdraw fees


Except now days, as soon as they scan the check, it come right out of your acct. just like a debit card.


not true in my case, it takes 2 days most of the time to process for me


I don't write checks at the grocery store, even though they still accept them. I do, however, still write them at smaller businesses. Around here most of them seem to appreciate getting a check because they don't lose money through processing fees. Just today I wrote one to my car mechanic.
