MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Does anyone still write checks at the su...

Does anyone still write checks at the supermarket?

If so, why?

P.S. Just so you know, if you do, everyone behind you in line, hates you.


I only use checks to pay repair men these days

And YES! Getting stuck behind some check writer at the grocery is an annoying experience...happened to me just the other day


it's a loophole for poor people. Like myself.


I always pay cash. I bring in my bags of pennies and carefully count them out.


Another professing Christian here and yet you espouse impatience and hatred, neither of which are "fruits of the Spirit".


Lol! Another sinner here. Name me ONE Christian who NEVER experiences impatience and/or hatred. We are not saved by our fruits. We are save because we acknowledge our depravity and our need to be saved. We will always be at war with our flesh.


Right. Now a mini-sermon to justify something that's basically much ado about nothing. Real Christians have extraordinary tolerance and wouldn't even feel a need to whine about something so trivial in an online forum, especially in today's world.


Wow! It's a light hearted, saterical thread, dude. You're right. It's totally trivial but in case you haven't noticed, MC for the most part, is trivial (except maybe not for you). Chill out. I'm glad you're an authority on "real Christians", lol. I don't give a rip about your judgement of me.


I just expressed a couple of opinions. This isn't satire. It's just more petty whining over the mundane. I'm plenty chill. I encounter all kinds of delays in the grocery checkout and I wouldn't consider some sweet little old lady ahead of me who's a little slow signing a check, a relic worthy of my hatred.


So you're going to tell me MY intent in MY thread? Lol. If you think I honestly meant actual hatred, you're not chill, at all.


It's no more presumptuous than your stupid and hyperbolic op where you claim to know what's in the minds and hearts of complete strangers. Apparently you just can't handle opinions contrary to yours.


Why so confrontational, Mr. chill? Don't get your panties in a bunch! What is it you want from me, Mr. chill? Keep sucking on your lemon and think what you want.


I'm just responding because you keep responding. It looks to me like you're the agitated one from your very first reply. Like I said, I just expressed an opinion which was contrary to most of your replies.


Naw. I just figured you needed some info, regarding Christianity.


See, there you go again. I'm sure I'm already more informed on the subject.


And just how would you arrive at such a baseless assumption? By the way, since I have time, you accuse me of whining over the mundane. This thread thing is the epitome of mundane, yet you're whining about it and you keep going because I "keep responding". Thank you for letting me have that control over you. :)


I made my point. I'm not going to continue bickering with you. Just as a fyi...there was a time when I actually admired and respected you for some of your comments on the politics board. My, how things change !


Oh MY! How will I ever face my classmates!?!?!?!


Literally never written a cheque in my life neither do I own a cheque book.

I’d feel awkward and silly and going to a supermarket and pulling out a cheque book if I did own one, they probably wouldn’t accept it and I wouldn’t know what you’re meant to write on it anyway.

Paying for items with cash or card is so easy, especially contactless payments because all you do is hold it against the magic box and it goes beep


I don’t think they except them


I use cash for everything.

(I feel like this is the 3rd thread like this in the last few months)


Maybe a million years ago... but I am still surprised when I see the occasional customer write one..
I pay most things online but we have to use a check to pay on a building we've leased as the lady won't accept cards..Just cash or check.
