MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > You Know You’re An Old Fart When...(this...

You Know You’re An Old Fart When...(this is an ellipsis)

Looking at the guide for upcoming 2019 Christmas specials and you don’t know any of the singers or groups.

You know you’re an old fart when you can sing the words from “Frosty the Snowman” when you’re past 70

You know you’re and old fart when you can tell the story and go around the house singing “Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer” When you’re past 70

You know you’re an old fart when you can visualize, sing the song from “The Little Drummer Boy” and get misty eyed when you’re past 70


Where are Andy Williams, Perry Como (singing Ave Maria), Pavarotti, et al


An oldie: I’ve tried to find a suitable exercise video for women my age, but they haven’t made one called “Buns of Putty.”


Exercise? What is exercise? Running to the toilet before it starts running down your leg! Damn Kegel exercise ain’t cutting it!🙅‍♀️


You just need to set up your computer in the bathroom. Problem solved!


I don’t need my computer. My iPad is joined to my hip. Of course it protrudes out more now. It visits the potty room as much as I do.


Okay, then. That's a visual I probably don't need. 😬


...everything hurts and what doesn't hurt, doesn't work.


I still can’t figure out why hair starts growing out of the ears. But, you lose it elsewhere and dang that thing is ugly!


What's really depressing is when things hurt or stop working, and you realize it's never going to get any better - that's it - you gotta learn to live with it.


With that I must say good evening. It’s after 11:00 and it’s an ordeal getting in and out of that damn tub. We’ll pick thus up later. You are good!


When "stopping to smell the roses" has become the norm instead of the exception.


I wish had some roses to smell, but if I leaned over to smell them I probably would fall into the thorny things!


I just ran in place for ten seconds. Everything shook like a volcano and I got a cramp in my leg. Getting older is awesome. 🙄


Ain’t that the truth! 🙄

reply can remember too much about The Andy Griffith Show.




My memory is just a memory! 🥺


By the time I get used to how old I am, I'm ten years older than that.


...talking about getting older stops being cute and starts making you think, "Oh crap, I really am getting older."


...Cocoon is a go-to movie for hope and inspiration.


I’m back and I smell like a field of lavender! Aromatherapy does they say. I’m still looking for the wonders. Have we lost Miss GlenE for the evening or morning where ever people are?

As far as Cocoon goes, I wish I had access to that pool!


Speaking of bath, an epsom salts one does wonders for people of all ages.


Oh, those go in my soak baths along with lavender goat milk bubble bath, lavender oil drops, lavender soap and me! Epsom salts have magnesium which helps relieve muscle cramps.

With that, I must say goodnight. Parting is such sweet sorrow. I almost typed farting! ☺️
