MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Latest you have ever stayed up. Cumulati...

Latest you have ever stayed up. Cumulative.

Latest I have ever stayed up 2 am.


this probably doesn't quite count, but about 5 years ago i had a miserable, stressful period at work, and found myself unable to sleep for more than an hour or two each night. that lasted about 4 or 5 days as i recall. terribly frustrating. but i still got some sleep, so i was somewhat functional i guess. i certainly never got to the state where i was delusional or hearing voices, but i was definitely in an altered state & it was very miserable.


you never been sick?




party animal!!


I go to sleep around 1 am. I'm a late to bed person and I get up late too.


I've done night shifts so I have stayed up till 8am and years back we had a shift that was 2am till 1200 pm. Although we slept through nights at that place..


About 72 hours. I was on a scout trip and had to stay up the first night to do some work on the site. The next day the activities kept me up. That night, we had a ceremony followed by a banquet. We were all wound up and couldn't really sleep. (I might have dozed a few minutes at a time). The next day my parents picked me up and we drove 6 hours to our vacation. So i was unable to sleep in the car. We got to Georgia and I collapsed. My mother woke me up the next day about 12:00.


After my four day stint I slept completely through the next day. About 30 hours straight. My girlfriend said she quit trying to wake me to eat when I swung at her. I felt terrible about it but have no recollection.
