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Latest you have ever stayed up. Cumulative.

Latest I have ever stayed up 2 am.


Four days straight. It was horrible. You literally start seeing And hearing things that aren't there.
I just couldn't sleep. Worst bout of insomnia.


I did a few all-nighters until about 7 or 8 the next morning.


You feel it the next day. After a couple days you start feeling kinda detached.


Like going out clubbing all nighters?


Yes, like after the bars were closed going to a friend's house to continue the party. But once I also stayed out all night when I was younger, with my older brother and a few of his friends. This was probably in the late 1960s.


That’s true


I don't remember what time it was when I finally got some sleep, but I stayed up for 42 hours straight once. I was working overnights and had to be up during the day to take care of my kids. I can't remember why, but my husband (now ex) wasn't around to watch them, so I stayed up, worked, took care of the kids, worked another shift, and another round of childcare before I got about a 4-hour nap before going back to work again. I was a zombie, for sure, after that episode. I refused to repeat it.

I've stayed up as late as 3:30, 4:00 am just chatting here. That was a while ago, during "Dewey days."


I stayed up till 3:30 am for the one year celebration. I haven't stayed up that late since.


48 hours recently. I couldn’t think straight as a result. I wouldn’t dare get behind a wheel! For some reason as we age we suffer more from insomnia. I take a sleeping pill which doesn’t work very well.


40 hours with no food and no sleep once...I don't care about food but sleep was too hard to quit...I love sleep more than I love a chubby nude sassy girl, real talk


I'm not particularly picky, but stick figure girls aren't my first choice. I'm not small and I'm afraid I'll break 'em.


Ha! I feel the same lol
Nothing wrong with a big strong girl😉


Nightmare scenario: Walking down from upstairs with an ankle in my hand, tears streaming down my face, thump thump thump. "I broke my toy!"


I couldn't sleep last night and was up until 4 this morning, but I usually only get about 4 or 5 hours a night anyways. The longest I stayed awake was about 56 hours. I was travelling on the cheap and flights and multiple shorter layovers as well as a train. I can't sleep if I'm not in a bed so there was no shut eye on the planes either. Then I had jet lag for a couple of days. So yeah, now I travel a little more kindly to my body.


72 hours - when I first started my business I just wanted to see how far I could push myself. By this point you’re hallucinating, hearing humming birds and seeing synapses spark in the corner of your eyes.


I missed a few nights when the kid was young and sick.


23 days, had to be hospitalized.


Twenty three days?!
I thought maybe I was at the extreme.
You had to be positively psychotic.


My Dr. thought it would be a good idea to introduce Abilify rx to my daily drug ritual, She was wrong.
It was like being on coke or crack, drugs I do not like. Mania. Nothing could bring me down,not atavan, klonopin,thorazine and finally massive amounts of haldol. The thing no one says about mania is how boring and lonely it is. You're the one up so there is no one to talk to, your frame of mind is not condusive to reading or watching TV. And there is nothing to do.


Wow thorazine or haldol would have me comatose. I lose myself in video games when I can't sleep. I doubt it compares to your experience.
