MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Anyone else strongly dislike people in g...

Anyone else strongly dislike people in general?

I wish people could just live their own lives and mind their own business. If you disagree with an opinion and you're going to get upset about it, just move on. If you don't like the way someone looks, ignore it and move on. Nothing is better than just being alone away from nonsense.


No, not at all. All the silly SJW and political things seen on tv and the internet aren’t present in my real life.

Aggravating and irritating people are easy to deal with.

Here are just 2 examples of people I see that are aggravating but I try to understand why they are that way. One is the person who is always talking down on others and in most cases it is them who is insecure. The 2nd is the petty rule enforcer and they usually have little control over their lives so they exert control at every possible moment.

If you see people being asses all the time just try to figure out why. At that point your elevated above them and it’s easily overlooked or your in a position to help the situation.


If you see people being asses all the time just try to figure out why.

The thing is, some people are just in their own world. They don't see the way their actions affect people. Sometimes people get so angry at a little opinion that you find yourself trying to justify your opinion.


Do you mean on the internet or in your home life?


Both but mostly in public life. I've gotten into arguments with people both online and in home life.

For example, I recall one time at work I told someone that he had something on his face and I pointed to his cheek. Before he checked to see what it was he said: "f*ck off. Maybe I have a condition, did you ever think that?" I don't know what condition makes it look like you have a small marker mark on your face, but that's definitely what it was. He immediately thought it was an attack. I remember everyone around looking at him like he had issues.


I don't know. I think most people are ok...just trying to live their lives like me....but the baddest, most narcissistic, histrionic and the rudest get all the hype and attention and it can be disheartening.

I would like to live in a beautiful isolated spot though...with internet access...not for social media (I am not a fan of twitter, instagram fb etc) but for watching movies etc, writing projects and posting on forums such as this.


Me too. I just want to watch sports, listen to music and watch movies. I wouldn't mind a select few people.


I detect depression.


No. Frustration.


Don't be alone too much.


Some people are okay in small doses.


It's sad to me that people are becoming so solemn, gloomy and withdrawn. I'm originally from LA (SO glad to be out of that hell hole!!) and I go back to visit friends and family from time to time. The last time I was there with my daughter and we noticed on our morning walks to get coffee that almost no one would look at us or make eye contact for any reason. We would say a friendly good morning to those who did and most of them would look away or not respond. A few did but the majority looked like such a miserable, downtrodden, unhappy bunch. Sadly, it's getting more and more like that where we now live. :(


But, just by asking people their opinion, people you don’t like, does create a paradox. Why do you care what their opinion is if you don’t like them. You have just created the nonsense you write about. If I dislike someone I don’t give a rat’s patootie what their opinion is on any given subject. If it’s a given I don’t like people as a whole I definitely wouldn’t ask them to opine what their dislikes are. I could care less.

There are some some slithering snakes on TV and in the movie industry who are on my 💩 list. I would never ask for their opinion. To do a paradox.

BTW, due to today’s PC culture in which we are having to live, I find myself disliking more and more people. It’s easier to isolate myself.


That's why I put "in general" in my topic. I don't hate everybody. I'm just here asking people if they share the same views as me.


I don't see him specifically directing the question to people he doesn't like. Innocent question on the OP's behalf, IMHO.


Could quite happily live without people for the most part. Of course when something breaks that I can't fix they do have their uses.


“The Paradox of Our Age“


No, in general I do not strongly dislike people.
