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My new favorite weapons

DMR : MK14




I do prefer the AK74. Funny that you never hear about them. On the other hand, the AK47 clones today are are pretty high tech.


I’ve always liked the 5.45x39.


I love my mini 14. Ruger makes great firearms.


The action is quite reliable and 5.56 is always available.


Modeled on the M1 Garand ;) Can't get better than that!


Yep.. m14, m1a and m1 carbine all share very similar actions


I love that classic action, doesn't throw all that trash back, the only thing I've had to clean is the barrel. Awesome.


I've fired both of them, along with the M-16, M-60, Thompson machine gun, and lots of other automatic weapons.
They're a blast!



Always wanted a Tommy gun! Hell who doesn't?!


You got that right, Cruz!


Can you imagine - .45 submachine gun, 50 or 100 rd drum magazine with that classic Thompson look and feel?
Damn, I get excited just thinking about it! 😀


Sure would be a blast, no pun intended ;-)


They're very iconic, and I've fired both the magazine and drum fed models!



Nice. Felt good, huh? I imagine it's got a nice kick. Probably wanna fire from the hip.


Yes it felt great! Average kick. I always fire from the shoulder with no problems.



I was thinking of the effect of 50 heavy rounds against my crappy shoulder. But I was also thinking of the power of modern high calibre rounds instead of the subsonic .45s of those times. I forgot that even though it was a very large bullet, it was a lightweight in terms of power and velocity.
I would Have to give it a shot!
No pun intended ;)



BTW, if you want to shot a Thompson, or just about any other machine gun, you should visit the Knob Creek Gun Range Machine Gun Shoot. You can rent a wide variety of machine guns to fire, or just watch dozens of machine guns being fired all at one.

They have two each year, one in April, and one in October. Each one will attract 20,000 people. The next one is April 3 & 4, 2020. The night shoots are spectacular!

It's located near West Point, KY, just southwest of Louisville. Their web site is:



God that sounds great. You mean real full auto machine guns? How cool would it be to fire a full-on mounted .50 cal? Chain fed, dual grips, voice of GOD, chop down the damn jungle and kill EVERYTHING for a thousand feet?!
Straight up hard on wet dream FANTASY!!

Sorry. Sorry.
I got a little carried away. Had to excuse myself for a moment. Everything's cleaned up now tho so it's all good. Lol



Yes, full automatic machine guns. I don't think they have any 50 cals unfortunately, just small arms: M-16s, AK-47s, Thompsons, MG2s, etc etc. You buy 30 round magazines at $45 each, or $60 for two (much better deal), and then fire away. But they only accept cash, so you have to bring a lot of that.

But it is a BLAST!



Wow. Empty pockets with mind-numbing speed! But an unforgettable experience.


Yep. The magazines might be $40 ea, and $60 for two. I can't remember. But it IS an unforgettable experience!



I'm just thinking about how fast the ammo goes in my semiautomatics... and multiplying it a few times!
As much as I would love to do it, it's some distance away and pretty expensive altogether.
But DAMN it'd be a blast!

Have You done it?


It goes really fast in full automatics, but I fire in short bursts to make it last longer. I will normally buy two magazines for each weapon I want to fire ($60). I usually fire three or fours weapons, so that works out to be $180 or $240. Not cheap, but it's a blast!

Yes, I've done it twice, and plan to do it again.



Mine are my AR-15 and my P-38. These are REAL WORLD weapons, game-boy!



SIG P229 in .357SIG and I load my 14-shot mags with Hornady FTX Hollow Points.

Smith 686+ 7-shot Revolver in .357 Magnum.


I get the same kind of charge from Harleys, fast cars and big trucks. And the women who love that stuff!


And I get a good belly laugh from PC SJW libtards who rant against it - while being so obviously ignorant of what they hate so very much!😂


Typical libtards; a firm opinion about something they don't have the first clue about or experience with; only regurgitation of what they've been told by equally clueless others.


What does DMR and ASR mean?


DMR - Designated marksman rifle

ASR - assault rifle


I will never understand people's fascination with weapons.


You don't need to understand Knish, nobody even asked if you do

You can hide under the bed until 'the bad people' carry off your belongings and family or the coyotes kill your pets

Sincere best wishes


Paranoid much? You should become a prepper.


Unrealistic much? Read a newspaper.




If you have a concealed carry license and carry every day I don’t think there is a better pistol made for that purpose. The Glock 19 is it.


My favourite weapon, that's a hard one. It has to be between my razor-sharp wit and my devastatingly handsome looks.

I'll shoot y'all down with my charm... pew pew, pew pew


Oh c'mon

You got .32 gun in your pocket full of fun
And a razor in your shoe


Sounds like the baddest man in the whole damn town for sure.


Caught me stealing lines😂!


It’s happened to me before too.


meaner than a junkyard dog 🐶


Oh you're all on to me!


As with all women my favorite weapon is poison. Women are so much smarter than men:)


hell yeah poison


If you look at weapons of choice..Poison is always a womens first choice. Its because we're smart. I remember this story of a women who put poison in her husbands pepsi for months till he died. There is almost no way to trace this. Compare that to men who shoot their spouse. Yah no will figure that out.


congratulations to men for making it past the cudgel. at the end of the day, gotta give it up for poison.


I know u are kidding about the poison but it did make me curious about women and homicide so I did a little searching. :)

This was a Washington Post article using FBI stats:

“Women use guns way less than half the time, although it still remains the most popular weapon among women. After guns, women are likely to use a knife, to beat their victim to death or to strike them with a blunt object. After guns, poison is the sixth most common way for a woman to kill.”

So poison is still used but in 6th place by women if the article is to be believed. Also this data is for the US. I wonder what the females weapon of choice is world wide?
