MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Have you ever done cocaine?

Have you ever done cocaine?

What did you think? I have done it maybe 10-15 times. I think it’s definitely the best drug I’ve ever done. You feel like god for 3 hours straight, and for me all it takes is one little bump. Fortunately I don’t have an addictive personality and don’t need to sit there snorting line after line.

I don’t do it often, only done it a handful of times and usually only special occasions - New Years, weddings, vacations, and I haven’t done it in a while because I recently got diagnosed w high blood pressure (genetic) so I’m a bit hesitant to mess with it.


See if you can get your hands on some coca leaf tea, or whole coca leaf for acullico. This is the way to go. It's been used this way traditionally for centuries, particularly by the indigenous people of its native Andean mountain region, and is considered sacred there. This way has many of the advantages of cocaine at a milder, more manageable level, even with some health benefits, and without any of the harmful or physically addictive properties of synthesized cocaine. 👍


Interesting, health food stores?


It depends where you live. In some areas the coca leaf is scheduled by the FDA and not technically legal to buy – the absurd stated reason being to discourage the synthesis of cocaine from said leaves. If not, see if you can import it online. It's in a weird legal grey area, but I've never had or known anyone who's had an issue getting it that way. Or take a trip to Peru!


Once at a party in my early 20s. I've no desire to do it again.

White = shite
Green = mean ;)





Oh. We were talking about cocaine.
Green is mellow.


I like rhyming 🤷‍♂️


Nice 😁


Only when I was driving a train


Same here😃


Watch your speed, bro.


Trouble ahead.


My friend did this drug one time and he sit and post on the internet all night. He made a lot of posts and nearly all were excellent


I've had nights like that on Adderall lol.


Yes i feel it could work well


Yeah, amphets can be steong on creativity. But it can also do the total opposite lol.


No, I never tried it. I tried marijuana once but I didn't like the way it made me feel.


Yeah, I don't like weed AT ALL. Makes me feel paranoid, self conscious and nauseous.


It's not for everyone. As a daily smoker I can tell you that you are better off anyways lol. I got over all my other addictions (cigarettes, alcohol) but this seem to hang.


No. And I don't have any respect for junkies. Waste of air and space.


Experimenting with a substance doesn't make you a junkie. I mean, the OP is employed and clearly doesn't have a habit. Thats not a junkie. A junkie is someone who is addicted and will do anything to get their fix.


NEver mind him, there's always this person on any public board. And often these same people get drunk every weekends. I personally know people like him and don't even see how hypocritical they are.

I don't assume that this particular person gets drunk every weekend, I just that he is one of these vile people who judge others and always exaggerate. Yeah, doing a drugs a few times and still be functional in society definitely deserves to be called "junkie".... my ass.


I know. Not sure why I even responded. Alcohol is a socially accepted substance, so people feel they are doing no wrong using it on a regular basis.

As for cocaine, its been many years, but I'd be lying if I said I won't do it again, perhaps with friends on a celebratory occasion. I've certainly never sought it out to use alone or developed a habit.


"Alcohol is a socially accepted substance, so people feel they are doing no wrong using it on a regular basis."

And yet, somehow, it causes more accidents and damages in society than most illegal drugs.. go figure.


How does it feel to be that high on that close-minded horse of yours?


Realistic, Too bad you'll too slow to realize some things.


Realistic?? How is that realistic?? You're jumping to radical opinions, it's crazy if I could say so. You are judging people for EXPERIMENTING drugs and call them junkies. A junkie is an addicted person who can't live without the drug.

Jesus man, go get your head checked and please don't reproduce.


F--- Y--!




No, never.


No, but I've always been curious about it. Like you, I don't have an addictive personality, so I could try it once just out of curiosity, and not get hooked.



Said every addict.....


But with me it's actually true. I've never been "hooked" on anything. Besides, coke is not one of the most addictive drugs. The most addictive drug is heroin, followed by nicotine.



Everyone is different. Just as some folks are susceptible to addiction to, well, damn near anything, other are resistant to different degrees.
I speak from experience.


Dis be true, mon!

