MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What's with the socks?

What's with the socks?

Seriously, if you are going to ask the most ridiculous questions, be a brave little toaster and show us who you are.


I think they're mainly to keep your feet from chafing against the inside of your shoes.


Or stuffing your pants with!


Bro! The babes don't know this trick and here you are blabbing on the internet?!?


I let them behind the curtain!


No problemo, we can just start tucking cucumbers down there, who's going to know👍


Gotta wrap them in foil.



I just knew I would get this😬


It's such a fine line between stupid, and clever.


Luckily we're both really well balanced🙃


Which means we have a foot on each side!


It's the nature of forums like this. What pisses me off is being accused of being a sock or having a sock. It's a popular tactic when you have lost an argument. Just call the member a sock.


I am referring to those posting with just a handful of posts.


Do you mean "sock puppet" accounts?



They may not be socks, but there has just been an influx of the same type of posts lately.


Let's go a bit further. Who is controlling these sock accounts? That would be a fun guessing game!


This is just a guess mind you. Who wants to play?????


I'm just weary of the accounts with 5 posts. I keep my eye out before I engage, and I'll read all their other stuff.




Help me find this movie

A guy does something, I think there was a town and a blonde girl, I saw it in the 90s but it was older that

Thanks guys


Hey guys looking for a movie

I think was black and white but not sure. Don't remember anything that happened but prtty sure I saw it when I lived in Burbank. I was sleeping on the couch at the time it might have been a dream.

Ok thanks guys


That's The Maltese Falcon


I thought I had it pegged for Casino Royale. Or Debbie Does Dallas. Or maybe Gene Wilder's Willie Wonka.
It's a toss up.


Maybe Wizard of Oz..?
That had some non color scenes

Dammit Cruz, now you're making me doubt myself!


Sorry, brother. It wasn't intentional, honest.
Now that I think of it, that flick could be Dumb and Dumber.
Or maybe Nosferatu.
Y'know it might be that sequel to the Oz movie. Twister.


Well that should be no problem.


I have no idea what you all are talking about. Am I naive? What’s a sock?


It would be if you made another account under a different name.


Got it. Thanks. Like that guy over on the Karate Kid page who spends all day talking to himself .


Pretty much. 😊




Like a sock puppet. A false account.


This is exactly what a sock would post🤨


remember's croft's sock puppet account - sophia??


Yeah, those were the days!
Right up there with the 'dead fiancee' and 'thieving sister' threads for classic MC idiocy🤪


I think I've ever been accused of it. I can't see spending the energy to express myself twice. Much less to myself!!


In political threads here and political forums elsewhere it is much more prevalent. People get paid to do so and even if they aren't being paid people do it. It's a strange world. People get paid to review films on places like IMDB. They give good or bad reviews to books. It's forming public opinion artificially.


I call it lying. Not into it, y'know?


Oh it's bullshit and I hate it. My point is that the internet and chat forums, review sites, etc. are being targeted by entities that do not have good intentions. And those entities wield power. This is a new world and people need to wake up. Governments need to address the problem. It's only going to get worse. It's a new frontier and if your country doesn't get ahead of it they will fall behind.


That's probably true. I'm barely computer literate so I won't be much help. To be honest, I make an effort to live simply as much as possible. I see alot of hard core Psychological addiction in this brave new world that goes undiagnosed for any combination of reasons and I ain't into that either.


There is something very sinister lurking. We are so dependent on our phones and the internet. Our information is readily available to those who want to pay for it. Facial recognition. We are going down a path that is depersonalizing people. It is only going to get worse. Automation is slowly but surely taking humans out of the equation. This isn't hyperbole. It is happening right now.


Dun dun dun dun dun...


At any point if you want to pull your head out of the sand I will be glad to talk to you.


I see a new disaster on the horizon. An EMP bomb that does little or no structural damage but nonetheless causes a physical but, more importantly, also a psychological breakdown by wiping out the communication systems. Along with damn near every electronic circuit within the "blast radius".
Over 70% of Americans affected will be mentally disabled to some degree. Many will be almost completely unable to function, failing even simple tasks. Panic and grief will be very common reactions.

This prediction is probably close to the mark. And you're right, those things happen now, we see it on the news.
But it takes a stable frame of mind to solve difficult problems. Maintaining your calm, and hence (I like that word 😆) your focus is an absolute imperative.

So don't panic! Everything will work out.


Sock it to em’!


Did that BillCosbySweater one about raising his kids Moron even though it isn't his religion, and something about a pregnant baby get deleted? That was good!


I have to lol at that user name.


CosbySweater, if you're up there in sock account heaven, please one day return to ensconce us in your objectionably patterned, itchy warmth.


It was pretty funny ;)


I don't know where you're going with this but you once called me on a drunk post, so I'm going to call you. Socks that's your post?


What are you talking about? I don't recall calling you anything. Not saying you are wrong, I just have no idea what you are referring to as I don't think I've ever called anyone a sock.


I was talking trash drunk one night and you rightly said...What are you talking about.!. But what is it with the sock post am I missing something deeper here.


There have been posts asking stupid questions and the users only have one post. The tone is the same so I figured that it was the same person with multiple usernames making dumb posts. They are pretty harmless, but it's just weird.


No harm I just remember you saying "what".. again rightly so,


I am confused a lot so it doesn't surprise me.


Forget everything else.. Just explain why you posted whats with the socks.. I just didn't get it.


I just thought that the recent posts were by sockpuppet accounts. I said socks because I was too lazy to type out sockpuppet. 😊


You should have typed it out.. .. It made no sense to us idiots. Never assume anything. I get it know. Basically Troll accounts.


Oh I get it now. You're 20-30 so Troll has become Sock . Ok Got it.


Sorry, over 40 here.


Well then you're internet terms are more up to date than mine..sock cool


It's a bad sign. IMDb was systematically destroyed by Sock Puppets, Trolls and Stygiannati Stooges. Here's hoping that Moviechat doesn't go the same way.


Hey learn how to skim it got me through college. Just let you're eyes scan the posts here to find what you like..Let the others just be.
