MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > At what point in history dd the Corvette...

At what point in history dd the Corvette become a redneck car?

I feel like it used to be a respected American sports car, now they’re everywhere and they look cheap and plasticky.


too expensive to be a "redneck" car.


They’re only like $45k


Base price of a 2020 Corvette is ~$60,000. Corvettes have never been a "redneck car," they've always been too expensive. The Camaro has long been the stereotypical "redneck car" (base price for a 2020 Camaro is ~$24,000), so much so that another term for a "mullet" is "Camaro cut."

"they look cheap and plasticky"

Corvettes have always had plastic body panels (reinforced with glass or carbon fibers, depending on the year and the specific body panel).

You can get certain older Corvettes on the cheap, but the same can be said for most any make/model of car, especially if you consider $45K to be "cheap." You can get certain old Rolls-Royces, Bentleys, Ferraris, etc., in good condition (fully restored even, in some cases) for that kind of money or even less. In reality though, for people who truly fit the definition of "redneck," even the cheapest new cars are a huge financial burden for them (because they have low-paying manual labor jobs), and they usually buy used vehicles for a couple/few thousand dollars.


$70,000 here in Canada to start.


You really can't be referring to the new Vettes? My son owns a ZR1 - it is beautiful.


Your son must be doing well.


Vettes have been getting more and more prestigious, over the years.


Around the time of hairbands.


That's pretty much all of recorded history, and probably a good deal before. People have been using various types of hairbands for ages.


The real question is at what point did rednecks become the only group of people it’s still politically correct to make fun of anymore? 😀




You haven't seen the mid-engine supercar like C8 Corvette? Dude!


This is where the transmission and clearance comes into play
