MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Could you, would you, live in a tiny hou...

Could you, would you, live in a tiny house?

Most of them are just too small for me, but I like this one a lot.

I'd attach the second one and use it as a bedroom. I'd want it to be the same size as her main one. Cool idea though, since she's a musician, to have it as a gigantic amp, with space inside to write and practice.

I'd also want a big comfy outside space. Similar to hers, but with comfortable outside couches, and covered.


There was a time when I was interested in going this route. I could probably make something as small as 2x that size work, but I'd have to upgrade my offsite studio space, which is something I'll have to do before too long anyway. I don't know if it really counts as tiny home living if you spend 75% of your hours in another space that you also pay for though. Would that be tiny home poseurdom? It is also nice to have a little more room to have the option to work on certain things at home. I suppose something like this could happen some day, but I'm also tempted by the thought of one day surrounding myself with a 20,000 title strong media library like our pal Kowalski.


Tiny house poseurism 😄

A house 2x this size would be pretty much a regular size house, but on the smaller side. Let's just call it a Smaller House.


Just over 500 square feet. That is very small.


Just watching this video. It's about 645 square feet and looks like a very livable space.


I have been in 600 square feet condos and they are terrible for two people. One person can manage.


That place looks like it'd be fine for two people. These people have one child and think they may have a second. IMO it's too small for two adults and one child, never mind two.


What I noticed from that video is that they don't seem to have any stuff - books/toys/sports stuff/bikes. Good luck to them with two kids.


The storage areas in these houses are usually well hidden, but I agree there's no way those two tiny rooms are going to work when they've got two kids. Can you imagine a 10 and a 12 year old in those little rooms?


If it were just me, no problem. All I need is alcohol, music, internet, football, sunshine and eye candy; I wouldn’t need stuff.


And jazz magazines 😊. They may fall into the duo category of music and eye candy.


It’s, um, not that kind of jazz (ahem).
But yes, that works.


Is that a euphemism for pron? 😳


It is, lol.


😳 TMI, Andy, TMI.

And here I was going to congratulate you on your taste in music, being a lover of actual jazz myself 😄


Ok, just to be clear, I like Jazz in all its forms and being a red blooded male, I um, like jazz mags too. Right, moving on.


What a relief! The combo of a red-blooded UK male AND someone who has an appreciation for the finer points in music. What kind of jazz do you like?

What? No, I didn't say anything 😶


I studied music at university, so appreciate the complexity of jazz music from the classic Robbie Coltrane, to the classical George Gershwin, to the whimsy of Ragtime, to the bluster of Big Band.

I just love music, full stop - Rock being my favourite genre.


How interesting! I didn't realise you were a music major.

Nice wide range in your jazz favourites. Similar to mine, but I'll replace Ragtime with Bossa Nova.

You must play an instrument, or three, right?




Your tiny house can have the giant barn Shogie didn't want :)


Yes, I could live in a tiny house. The house I live in right now if too big.


How many square feet is the house you're living in now?

I wouldn't want to live in a place that's too big, either. For me 1000 square feet would be plenty, and I could do that easily if I were living with a SO.


Frankly I have know idea! It has two bedrooms, kitchen, bathroom, living room, and a den. It's too big for me.


Is that just for you? Sound like it's in the neighbourhood of 2000 square feet-ish. I don't want a lot of house to clean and take care of either.


Yes, just for me.


That's a lot of house. For me anyway, and obviously for you too.


I’ve never know how many square feet our house was, so I had a look at the paperwork from when we bought it. It’s a fair size.


It's only since I've been looking at houses to buy, and all these rentals, that I've understood square footage well enough to know what it'd mean. A 10 x 10 room, no problem visualising that, but a 1000 square foot residence???

So you're going to keep us all in suspense?


I might upset a few people.


I understand. Never mind. None of my business anyway :)


No, the problem isn’t you at all. It’s just that some people seem to get all bent out of shape over the silliest of things.


I knew what you meant. It is a shame, but there you are. Some people will always be some people. But it really isn't my business :)


Ok, the reverse psychology has worked. We’ve probably reached the point in the thread where nobody cares by now (hopefully), so it’s apparently: -

5000 sq feet.


5000 square feet?!?! You show-off! 😡😤😡😡😡😡😤😡


Not bad for a council estate boy, eh?

6 bed (one converted to a walk in wardrobe), secret spiral staircase to the Manpad (converted loft where my 40 year comic and vinyl collection resides, along with the musical instruments and mini studio). 3.5 bathrooms (our ensuite is 400 sq ft) and pub (550 sq ft) at the bottom of the garden. OK, now I'm showing off, but it's only you and me reading this, so...


What, no library? 🙄 Pish, pish.


Comics, vinyl and musical instruments took precedence.


Understandable. Also, smart of you to disguise the entrance to the Manpad.


People think it’s a door to a closet, lol.


Muhahahaha, burglars will never find it! Your comics/vinyl/instruments are safe.


I literally do live in a tiny house.


I'm also building a teardrop camper so I can live even smaller. I also have a storage space filled with comics.


How long have you been living in a tiny house? How funny, you're finding a tiny house is too big for you! I love those little teardrop campers, but only for short camping trips, for me.


Over ten years. It's 12 foot square. I poop in a bucket and shower with a hose. But I can also bury like a hundred bodies in the yard. You know. If that's something I wanted to do.


Interesting. Living in a 12 square ' space for 10 years is a long time. I couldn't do it myself.

Burying 100 bodies in a yard is always a plus 😬


These neo-hippies think they're going to live happily ever after in these crates, but a really interesting show would be to revisit all of them after a few years and see if they're still in their box, or have gone insane, or have moved back into a rational dwelling.


Well, TandyMan says he's been living in one for 10+ years and has found it too be TOO BIG for him, so is downsizing to a teardrop camper. Which is incomprehensible to me personally, but we're all different.

I've seen videos of people who moved into tiny houses and thought they were the best things since sliced bread to begin with, but after a year or two of living in them changed their minds. Others still think it was the best thing they've ever done.

It all depends on knowing what your needs and wants are, and how far into the future you're capable of seeing to know what your wants and needs will be then.


I prefer the mini castle. 😁


Oh gawd, I LOVE that! I could have afforded the original price and the renovation, but not the current asking price. This wee castle makes me very happy 🤗
