MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Could you, would you, live in a tiny hou...

Could you, would you, live in a tiny house?

Most of them are just too small for me, but I like this one a lot.

I'd attach the second one and use it as a bedroom. I'd want it to be the same size as her main one. Cool idea though, since she's a musician, to have it as a gigantic amp, with space inside to write and practice.

I'd also want a big comfy outside space. Similar to hers, but with comfortable outside couches, and covered.


That's a pretty good looking house and the orientation on that lot is really nice. I could live in one like it. I'm sure I could live in a smaller house than the one I do now, but there's a limit. My guess is somewhere around 600 square feet would be the smallest I could go.


I agree. There's a point where living space is too small, and too big. We're all different so that point is going to be different for each of us. I think 600 feet is a reasonable minimum.

I love the house in my OP, and the orientation on the lot, except I'd prefer having my outdoor living/entertaining space in the back, for privacy.


I could not, would not in a tiny house.
I could not, would not with a tiny mouse.
I do not like these little homes,
I do not like them, I'm no gnome.


But how much chuck wood you chuck?


I thought we were doing Green Eggs and Ham


We've moved on now 🤡


Could you, would you, live with a tiny mouse? I'm assuming the title was a Dr. Seuss reference....anyway based on the pictures that is plenty big for me assuming I'm living alone. I think a small place with a S.O. would be a lot tougher though. I currently live in a studio apartment and I've learned that I don't really mind a smaller living space. Although I do live in a big city and am walking distance to a ton of stuff so that also makes a difference as well I'm guessing.


Ha ha, actually it wasn't. It's that they're different questions, if you could or if you would :)

If the second structure were as big as the first, attached, and made into either a large bed/sitting room or two smaller rooms, could you do it with a SO? I couldn't do it as it is, but could with the larger set-up.

It was the same for me when I had my studio cottage. I didn't want a studio, but ended up enjoying the challenge of living more minimally and didn't mind the size. It would have been out of the question if I had a SO though!


You're probably asking the wrong person because I'm convinced I could live in a 20 room mansion and I'd still have trouble living with a SO lol. But I could see 2 people living there under the right circumstances, particularly if the second structure were converted to another sitting room or bedroom (I'd be indifferent to whether it was attached or not). I'm just a big fan of each person having their own space for when they want some alone time.

Also I'm just now seeing Moonglum's post above mine and realizing I was way too slow with the Dr. Seuss reference...damn it!


He's a funny guy that Moonglum 😁

Whoa, you really *do* need your own space! 😂 There was a time when I thought the very best set-up for me and a SO was two houses pushed together, with a door in the middle that leads to either place. Sort of like a duplex but with a connecting door.


I like the sound of that set up but instead of pushed together with a connecting door the houses would be separated by a few miles 😁


