MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Scorsese and Coppola are right, superher...

Scorsese and Coppola are right, superhero movies are garbage and a plague on Hollywood

I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone objectively defend or praise them without some sort of bias; ie childhood nostalgia, pre-existing interest in/obsession with comics, etc.

Other than Tim Burton’s Batman (1989), almost all of them are trash, which plenty of trash gets made in Hollywood and comprises 99% of the content released in all forms of media. The problem with superhero movies is they are overrepresented and have almost completely wiped out original content from the theaters. They are cranking these turds out 3 a month and alongside Disney Movies (which I’m perfectly fine with because they’ve always been around), rom-coms and shitty horror movies they are pretty much all you can find now if you want to go to the theaters. Who wants to shell out $20 (if you’re single) or $100 if you have a family to see this garbage? This is Scorsese’s point, they have almost singlehandedly creatively bankrupted Hollywood in the last decade, he had to go to Netflix with his tail between his legs to get his movie made. Sad state of affairs.


I don’t need to objectively defend them.


They didn't used to be garbage; but that was before Disney bought Marvel in 2009. Before that, studios all over Hollywood would crank out only 1 or 2 [sometimes] well-made superhero films every 2-5 years, giving the public a chance to enjoy and absorb them into the collective memory and culture before the next ones were released.

After 2009, we suddenly got superhero movies coming out every stinking year for over ten years! They ended up over-saturating the market and giving people what we now know as "superhero fatigue," where movie-watchers are just plain sick of the genre. Doesn't help that the writers and producers at Disney/Marvel studios got lazy and started turning out really crappy ones in the past 5 years, or just plain re-hashed a lot of actions scenes from previous films. I also didn't like it when they took sequels to films about established beloved superheroes, and turned them into a big fat joke. Comedy only works so well in superhero films when implemented properly; it doesn't work so well when you make the hero look stupid for a cheap laugh, all the way through the story.


Sad state of affairs indeed, far too many of them now and most are safe and formulaic boring origin stories.

I'm not interested in obscure superheroes, the only one that keeps my interest is a superhero without mad powers - Batman.


Yup exactly, Batman is the only one who is actually somewhat grounded in reality.


William Friedkin said the same thing.



The Irishman was a masterpiece.


Nah, Prometheus is better.


So you're saying that you only shell out $20 a movie.




Quote from your original post:

"...$20 (if you're single)..."


I would agree with you, and I'm a guy who grew up reading comic books. These movies are mediocre at best, and they're made even worse by the fact that they're churned out so rapidly. I think they've hurt Cinema (though not financially) and they've hurt the comic book industry as well.


super hero movies are so lame... the dark knight was okay and that joker movie was pretty badass but most of them i cant stand
