MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Scorsese and Coppola are right, superher...

Scorsese and Coppola are right, superhero movies are garbage and a plague on Hollywood

I don’t think I’ve ever heard anyone objectively defend or praise them without some sort of bias; ie childhood nostalgia, pre-existing interest in/obsession with comics, etc.

Other than Tim Burton’s Batman (1989), almost all of them are trash, which plenty of trash gets made in Hollywood and comprises 99% of the content released in all forms of media. The problem with superhero movies is they are overrepresented and have almost completely wiped out original content from the theaters. They are cranking these turds out 3 a month and alongside Disney Movies (which I’m perfectly fine with because they’ve always been around), rom-coms and shitty horror movies they are pretty much all you can find now if you want to go to the theaters. Who wants to shell out $20 (if you’re single) or $100 if you have a family to see this garbage? This is Scorsese’s point, they have almost singlehandedly creatively bankrupted Hollywood in the last decade, he had to go to Netflix with his tail between his legs to get his movie made. Sad state of affairs.


Not being a fan of either "cause" I feel I can be objective when I say that I find it interesting that 2 directors known for gangster films that use all the same cliches are critical of a genre which also uses the same cliches in every film.

Pot calling kettle??


You obviously don’t get it. It’s got absolutely nothing to do with cliches and genre tropes and everything to do with objective quality, originality and artistry.


Uh huh. Making the same gangster film over and over yeah.


He doesn’t make the same gangster film over and over. The only two that bear any similarity are Goodfellas and Casino which is really just a companion piece and a completely different film.


Sure he doesn't...


I pick and choose the ones I like to watch. I have always been a Batman and Xmen fan and I'll see those movies if they interest me. The MCU is just too much for me. Too many movies and too much of a choir in trying to keep up.


Some of them are alright, though I'm not really into the superhero genre in general. I did like Batman Begins. And I kinda liked the second Christian Bale Batman movie, the one with the Joker, though not as much as the first. I didn't like the third one. But yeah, my personal opinions on the genre itself aside, it is kind of annoying how Hollywood just keeps churning these out over and over and over and over and over these days. It's just a neverending tide. There are other stories to be told. I wouldn't mind them so much if it was just once in a while, but it's just constant. Like, do something else, God.


They're garbage and a plague unless people like them, which is clearly the case.


the objection comes from those of us who abhor a specialty fantasy film type becoming a staple of the cinematic offering, crowding out a universe of better alternatives.

its a bunch of non-stop silly ap-cray, to those of us who remember vastly more varied & interesting & adult-oriented fare.

this boomer has spoken.


Amen, and I’m ok w fantasy but superhero movies, no matter how serious or sophisticated they attempt to be will always be based on material made for kids and will always have that silly ass stigma. I simply cannot suspend my disbelief enough to get into a superhero movie, the fact that most of them are shit quality is just salt in the wound.

It would be a dream come true for me to be experiencing the diversity and creative energy of the 70s New Hollywood era with the technology, saturation and talent of today. Can you imagine the variety of awesome stuff we would have to choose from? The sad thing is it’s entirely possible.


I agree with you wholeheartedly. Nothing makes me weep for the state of current moviemaking more than these garbage superhero movies.


They are bad movies but then again they haven't made anything decent years, either.


That’s not true, there are still a handful of genuinely good and even a few great films made every year. But they don’t near the attention and platform they deserve.


I'll have to respectfully disagree. I can only think of two great movies made in the last 30 years - Buffalo 66 and there Will be blood.

I'm a member of this other site where most people are in their twenties and thirties and all their favorite movies are from the 1930s to the 70s. Sometimes people just have to face the fact that the talent isn't there. When people see mediocre crap winning awards and making a ton of money they think that is the ultimate Pinnacle and so they try to duplicate that for their own financial good.


What about Apocalypto, Braveheart, Boogie Nights, Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Casino, The Aviator, The Irishman, King Kong, Django, Inglourious, etc?


I saw most of those but I wouldn't consider any of them great. One good movie by a director you did mention is magnolia, but I would never put it under the category of greatness. It was good. American beauty was better though, same year.


Geez you’re a harsh critic lol, Boogie Nights is Anderson’s masterpiece always will be. TWBB is also excellent but not on the same level.


The super hero movies are garbage because of one simple reason. They have no artistic integrity. Same reason Disney star wars is garbage. Movies made just to make money and for no other reason and I am too smart not to notice. If you want 2 hours of my time you can have it, but show me something that has a meaning. An artist usually makes a movie because of a need to express, he or she has an idea about the world or reality. Sincerity is the only thing I ask for in art, in life people are not sincere but in art you have to be or it has no value at all.


great post.




I can't call them trash but they really don't interest me much anymore. Bored with them. I suppose the freaks who run Hollyweird can make any type movie they wish, I can't stop them.
