MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Name a food you loved in your youth that...

Name a food you loved in your youth that is gone today.

For me it is Howard Johnson's fried clams, last time I had them was in the late 70's early 80's. I still salivate when I think of them with some lemon juice and a side of tartar sauce.




Not completely gone--but increasingly hard to find: Old School New York Pizza.


What's happening to this type of pizza? Are all the pizzerias closing?

I have read many articles about where to find the best pizza in the U.S. The consensus seems to be there are two areas*:
1. The New England/New York/New Jersey corridor.
2. The Chicago area.

It would be a shame to lose an original product like this. There are too many garbage restaurants out there.

*Can anyone verify this through personal experience? I don't travel, so I have no way of sampling it for myself.


Quatro was a fizzy drink from the 80's, cool to drink at the time if you were a kid, then as the 90's dawned it was gone...forever! 😥


Chocolicious. It was chocolate cake with a chocolate cream layer in the middle and chocolate frosting on top. Not to be confused with the less perfect Chocodile which is also extinct.

Aspen apple flavored soda (early 80s)

McDonald's Californian burger (early to mid 90s). It was delicious and not only does no one remember it but I can't even find mention of it online.*

*Also seemingly erased from history and sorely missed by me: Popeye's tiger sauce. Served with their popcorn shrimp in the late 80s.

And recently (since I consider all of my life previous to right now my "youth") the farewell to Salsa Verde Dorritos.


Are you in Australia? McDonald's had these limited-time items on the menu there:


Nay. I'm in S California. None of those are like the Californian burger I had. It was like their attempt at an In-n-Out burger but with red onions.

I wish they had that fish n chips here. That looks good.


Some of the food that I miss I can still get imported

Jelly Tots (Can still get but costs a fortune)
Bel Aire Long Island Iced Tea frozen concentrate
Weight Watchers 3 cheese rotini (I think that's what it was, it was a boxed mac and cheese type thing)
Minute Maid soda pop. We only got orange here, but when I would visit the US I'd stock up on strawberry and grape.

So many things that I like get discontinued that I'm just so used it that this is more difficult than I thought. Hahaha. My friends ask me not to like things they like, because if I like it, it's a kiss of death.


Never had them from Howard Johnson, but fried clams are huge around here with the tourist crowd. I usually get them once a year. I prefer steamers.


Sunny boys (ice block type thing)
Incredi-bites (chocolate wheat things for kids lunchboxes)
Both purely Aussie things (I assume) that you can't get anymore.

Also used to be a cereal I can't remember the name of that I liked that they stopped selling. It had little round smiley faces as the shapes.
