MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is it just me, or do more commercials/ad...

Is it just me, or do more commercials/ads seem to feature an interracial BWWM couple than any other interracial pairings?

Whenever there's a commercial that features an interracial couple or family, the couple in question would almost always be a black woman and white man. I wondered about this one a bit lately out of curiosity and right after I saw another ad featuring a BWWM couple. Based on my own little observation, recent ads with an interracial couple are rarely about black man/white woman, black person/other POC, white person/other POC, latino/asian couple, etc.

If advertisers or companies want to feature an interracial couple in their ads, why do they rarely want to showcase or acknowledge other interracial pairings too?


In ads as well as films and TV it is all about meeting racial quotas in my opinion. You would need to have 2 or more couples in an ad to meet the quota so if you mix the races you get to do it at half rates.

In America I guess African American would be the race they want to impress/appease the most so that is what they would feature. In reality I don't there are that many Black Woman x White Man couplings, Black Man x White Woman would probably be more common. White Man x Asian Female would probably also be more common.


Yeah. That sounds about right in regards to racial quotas. I also should've specify beforehand that I was referring to American media. Like you said, I also don't think that Black Woman x White Man couplings are all that common IRL either vs Black Man x White Woman and White Man x Asian Woman couplings. I looked into some of the latest stats about different interracial couples too. From my own experience, I only ever seen and known more BMWW and WMAW couples in my lifetime than others. 🤷 But the media made that feel like they're in the dominant population anyways. But I didn't mind* those ads though, it's just an interesting observation. It also kind of the same way with how LGBT people appear in a lot of recent media despite still being a small 3-5% population.

Still, I think it's too bad that they didn't acknowledged other interracial pairs or families enough in their media like the two aforementioned, Latino x Asian couples, etc.


A lot of it is politics rather than realism. I don't see a lot of ads but in TV shows and films they love mixing the races. They do it so often that if you didn't know better you would think that same race relationships were an oddity.

They do a bit of Black man x Asian woman and vice versa as well even though the Asian attitudes towards blacks is worse than you would find at a KKK meeting.

LGBTIQ is way over represented I agree. It seems every TV show now has to have a gay or bi couple. Women in particular have to be Bi.

That along with mixed race couples and Woke in general has become a boring trope.


True. I can't disagree that Hollywood likes to go overboard with Woke, tokenism, and virtue signaling. It can become a bit tiresome at times, and worse, there are sjw defenders/gaslighters on social media that will always flip out and throw insults at people that dare to point out something unrealistic.


The SJW's are the worst. So a film doesn't have minorities or gay people, so what?


There's a bit more to that too. Some SJWs will pretend that there are still not enough minorities and especially gay people in films or TV shows despite the contrary. They will insist that forced diversity should matter everywhere and you're a "bigot" if you disagree with them. Now I'm all for diversity, but they're damn insane. 🤦


The SJW's just want to decimate the White/European culture. I would bet my life that if TV became 100% black they would not be crying about a lack of diversity.

Also, ironically, White people are the most diverse race there is.


The film industry is a business. No reason to support an industry that discriminates which is what you're advocating.

BTW, I see plenty of different racial and ethnic combos in ads. You likely can't identify Hispanics and Asians too well since you're missing them.


Except it is failing because of it's SJW shit.

BTW I like how you got all angry there. Typical of your kind.


"I like how you got all angry there."
You're projecting.

"Except it is failing"
No, it's not.


Nah, I just treat you lot the way you treat everyone else. Not nice is it?

Ummm have you seen all the flops from Hollyweird?


I'm not thin-skinned. If you're going to make a comment about me, at least try to make it true.

You insulted women, black people, LGBTIQ, Asians, minorities in general, advocated white supremacy and racism, and you say I'm not the nice one.
That is why I say you're projecting.

Historically, most movies and TV shows are flops. What else is new?

I agree with you about the poor quality of recent films, but the reason for it is different.
The real problem has been illegal downloads. It forced Hollywood to concentrate on making expensive SFX films which encourage people to watch on a large screen in the theater instead of downloading. They need to make more money just to break even. Lucas and Spielberg warned about where movies were heading years ago.

American music and movies are dead while TV series and books are great.


uh huh




The film industry is a business. No reason to support an industry that discriminates which is what you're advocating.

For once, I agree with you. Follow the money.


Not really. Plenty of black and Asian friendships and relationships where I live.




Good to know! I got a close friend who's a black man married to a Latina too. My post was specifically about ads and the media’s skewed view of interracial representation as of late. Reread my OP. 😉



At the same time?? ;)

I used to look like a damn Greek god. Now I just look like a god damn Greek!


I've noticed that it's normally a black woman and a white man.

I wonder if they figure 'white men have more purchasing power than black men' and 'a black man with a white woman is still offensive to many people'.

That's why I think it's like that.


I recall the Cheerios commercial that aired during the 2014 Super Bowl and it was apparently controversial. This was six years ago instead of 60 years ago. I guess there was something about seeing a black father and white mother together that triggered racists and incels. Some stereotypes and perceived threats came to mind for them. So it wouldn't surprised me that companies or studios would rather play it safer with a black woman x white man couple to trigger them less.


I recently saw this video, 1987, John Mellencamp 'Cherry Bomb', and thought 'this would have provoked some people. Especially given that he's thinking back to the 60s and there is an interracial couple as the protagonists of the song.


It's just you.




Then why did you ask "Is it just me?" if you were already sure it isn't.

Personally I don't analyze the ethnicities of everyone who appears in an ad. You may be right, but I honestly haven't noticed this. I have noticed, however, that for most of my life different ethnicities were hardly depicted in ads at all (unless it was the funny Chinese man or old Italian Nona in a food commercial) so if we are seeing different faces on our screens now, I have no issue with it at all.

I don't see what the problem is.


I was just curious at the time if others might've noticed a bit of pattern as well. The consensus here suggest that it goes beyond ads for some too. I understand your point though. I'm not really about making a big deal about these ads and don't have a issue with them either.


why are you watching commercials?


I don’t really watch commercials. When I DVR’ed my programs, I would usually fast forward them. People can still catch some glimpses of the ads doing that too. Plus you also can’t escape some YouTube ads that are unskippable either. Just sayin! 😉


Netflix is also completely obsessed with this type of couple and it seems like they have one in every other production, while other types of interracial couples are much more rare.


I don't understand the reactions to interracial coupling. There are a lot of flavors and I see all manner of combos in commercials. The race combos don't show up on my radar. What gets my attention and feels weird (but not nec wrong) is the inclusion of gay couples in commercials and lately the inclusion of fat people. Commercials used to exclude fat people. Now I see some commercials with fat white children. An interesting shift in the "sex sells" advertising world. Instead of luring us with what they know we want, they attempt to lure us with "being real" credit or virtue signaling.
Still, though, sex sells and they know it. I'm sure there's 40% more stress in the advertiser's life... unless they are social agenda driven.


Another thing I’ve noticed in commercials is the idiot or “comic relief” character is almost always white. I’m actually surprised it’s not talked about more often because it’s so obvious. I’ve always been curious about the motive behind this.


Down here we had an ad where an Indian door to door salesman was outwitted by a white female. It was racist apparently. The problem is that most door to door people are Indian and they are very bad at what they do. So the ad was oddly enough very truthful. Of course they still had her white husband playing the role of the dopey one as well. No one minded that.

The motive? It would seem the role is a necessary one and the only gender, sexuality and race that is legally allowed to play it is the white heterosexual male.


Not just in commercials. Also, if a character is a bigot or homophobe, it has to be a white male. I like to see it more as all the other demographics are too fragile to play such undignified roles.


Exactly, chances are there is a greater chance of a non white being homophobic, sexist etc.


The one thing that almost never seem to change in the advertising world is how 'sex sells' no matter its message or what it's trying to sell us.


here in toronto no one pays attention to interracial couples. my son is dating a mix race girl. no one cares.


I got relatives that live in Toronto, London, and Windsor and I know what you mean too. No one also pays attention to interracial couples in a town not too far from Las Vegas either.
