MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Ever had one of those "what am I doing h...

Ever had one of those "what am I doing here?" moments at work?

You know, when you find yourself doing a job so menial that it makes you question how it could have possibly come to this?

I had a bit of that today. I had to construct a whole lot of kid's play equipment (things like wooden shopping counters, toy boxes etc) and while I was screwing the wooden espresso machine to the wooden serving counter, I had to pause for a second to wonder if the money I spent on University was really worth it. It did pass quickly though, mostly I'm satisfied with my job and in the end it was kind of a fun project, but I was wondering does anyone else have those WTF moments at work?


"construct a whole lot of kid's play equipment"
sounds fun!
better than manning a phone line or stacking shelves.

What job do you do?
what did u study at uni?
