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Ever had one of those "what am I doing here?" moments at work?

You know, when you find yourself doing a job so menial that it makes you question how it could have possibly come to this?

I had a bit of that today. I had to construct a whole lot of kid's play equipment (things like wooden shopping counters, toy boxes etc) and while I was screwing the wooden espresso machine to the wooden serving counter, I had to pause for a second to wonder if the money I spent on University was really worth it. It did pass quickly though, mostly I'm satisfied with my job and in the end it was kind of a fun project, but I was wondering does anyone else have those WTF moments at work?


All the time.


My co-worker suddenly died this morning. She was 26 years old.
We're just sitting in the office and wondering what the hell are we even doing here? Is it of any importance?


That’s terrible.


In that situation, it's appropriate for management to let everyone go home for the day.


Oh gosh, that’s sorry


I'm sorry to hear that. A similar thing happened at one of my jobs. A coworker died from a sudden onset of a Lupus-related affliction. She had a family with three kids under the age of ten. So tragic and devastating for everyone. She was a dear friend, one of the kindest and most positive people you could ever meet.


Yeah, sorry for the buzzkill, I know it was a fun post but it's bizarre how I just read it before I got the news. Anyway, we had to work the full day. Life goes on..


Oh wow, really sorry to hear that. Makes my moaning seem trivial. 26 - that's such a short life :(


Find a job that you enjoy and is for filling regardless if you think it’s beneath your degree. There are many people with degrees hating life stuck in a cubicle.


I have a pretty good job really and most of the time I do enjoy it, I guess everyone has those moments of reflection and doubt every now and again. The positive that outweighs it all is that it is rock-solid stable, didn't have to have a day off through the whole lockdown period. I know there are thousands who were not so lucky so I'm very grateful for that.


Well put
This current mess kicked a lot of people right in the gut...some of us were very lucky

And if ever there was a need for relief funds for laid off workers this would be it


I agree Shogun. I'm no huge fan of the Aussie government but they did pretty well with the relief packages here, and the extra money for welfare recipients to stimulate the economy. We'll be paying for it harshly for a long time I'm sure, but people haven't suffered quite as much as I see them suffering in some parts of the world.


Right on
Hard workers can't make the rent and lights just now...we have to kick in for that


Sounds like your in a good job, especially if you haven’t missed a beat during all this covid mess. 👍


More times than I can count.


almost every day?


Well I can tell you I really miss my job, even the boring stuff, like recess and lunch duty.


Must be really hard. How long have you been off work now?


Since they closed the schools in March.


Far out, it must be driving you crazy. Both my siblings are teachers and again we've been lucky over here they only had a short time off work.

I really hope you get to go back to work soon.


Where are you? Your schools are open? We are just getting word that are's may reopen Oct 15.


I'm in Australia. In my state the schools didn't really close, maybe for a couple of weeks. Down south in Victoria it's a different story, they had an outbreak and a really harsh lockdown that's only being lifted now.

Fingers crossed for the 15th for you.


Wow. I thought everyone closed. That blows my mind. How did you guys escape this chaos.


We didn’t escape it totally but we have certainly done better than most countries in containing it (not quite as good as New Zealand mind you). Sound leadership is all I can put it down to.



Ha! Perfect.


I was going to post it this morning, but I was (ironically) up against it at work; everything happens on the first of the month for me 🥵


I've had many of those during my working life


You're not alone! Let's just repeat after ourselves...'Uggh, If they're paying I'm staying!'


I hear ya!
