MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Didn’t realize how much I’d miss you all...

Didn’t realize how much I’d miss you all

I just let the trolls and the covid break my spirits for a bit. I needed a bit of a mental health break. I had kinda of a really bad horrible week, and seeing all that troll gross stuff didn’t help. So I’m gonna ease back into it . Without you friends I had no one to make my random comments too. It was lonely. Forgive me if I upset you or made you worry.

Ps when I logged out, I had no idea what my password was, and the email I used to register is no longer active because I hadn’t used it in over a year. So I guess I’m starting fresh . It’s nice to have you all along for the ride, even in these crappy times. I can’t even send any private messages cause my “ account is too new”

Capn is back and he’s gonna try to right the ship.


Wb scoundrel!


You seem like a nice guy and I've always enjoyed your posts, but I'm not going to welcome you back. One bias I've never been able to shake is against capital c's. I just don't trust em. You're dead to me.
