MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Your top 3 favorite movies of all time

Your top 3 favorite movies of all time

Here's mine

1) Taxi Driver
2) The Shining
3) True Romance


1) Bound
2) U-Turn
3) A tie. Palmetto and Romeo is Bleeding


1. Raiders
2. Predator
3. Star Trek 2

4. Star Wars/Empire
5. The Thing
6. Aliens


A Clockwork Orange (1971)
Vertigo (1958)
Blue Velvet (1986)


These are definitely in my top ten! 👍


If you are into action movies then I think you'll enjoy this movie called The Misfits. It is starring Pierce Brosnan, Jamie Chung, Nick Cannon, and Mike Angelo. It looks like a fun summer film and I can't wait to watch it. Here's a link for the trailer:


Have you seen Berserk (2019)? It’s good I tell y’a!


1) Goodfellas
2) Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope
3) Planes, Trains and Automobiles


beyond the valley of the dolls
into the spider-verse
this is martin bonner


A top three list would be impossible to do without feeling bad afterwards.


lists are not generally something to be taken too seriously, i'd say. i have a top 100 list on letterboxd that i update every now and then, but it's just a hodge-podge of silly films that i love with the odd art-snob thing thrown in so i won't be judged too harshly for my trashy tastes!


Give me a link 👍


it's really not well thought through at all. one day, i'm gonna sit down and really go through all the 70s trash and 80s slashers and remind myself which ones i love the most, and kick ordet and solaris and all those fruity foreign films out of there, lol.


Great list. But I don’t remember you ever mentioning this is martin bonner.

It looks pretty boring…


i recently edited my list a bit, and after reflecting on it moved martin bonner up to the top tier.
it's so great!
it's a very simple, modest film, about a pair of guys trying to repair their lives.
and it's short, which is something i always appreciate.
that director - chad hardigan - had a film out this year called little fish that i thought was absolutely great as well.


Lost of great ones on your list and I was quite happy to see Buffalo 66 included. I saw it for the first time within this year I would place it on my top 20 now.


i honestly think it's one of the funniest movies ever made.

i can't explain why, but when goon says 'it's the name of his name' i truly lmgdao.


Yes! So many great moments in that film. I love the way the end leaves you with a feeling of satisfaction that things might just work out if only he makes it across the street.


Beauty and the Beast
The Usual Suspects
Reservoir Dogs


Ah, that's a tough one. I'll probably give you a different list if ya ask me this exact same question again. Cause there are more than three that I consider to be the best.

Anyways, here are three from the top of my head, (in no particular order whatsoever)

1. Terminator 2: Judgement Day
2. No Country for Old Men
3. Pulp Fiction


2001: Space Odyssey
Flight of the Phoenix (1965)
The Graduate
