MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Is it rude to feed someone "weed laced" ...

Is it rude to feed someone "weed laced" brownies without their consent in your opinion?

Basically awhile ago, my cousin told me an instance where he fed his friends a bit (obviously not an insane dosage, but still) of "weed brownies" without their knowing. They aren't weed smokers at all, so it's not like your every day prank. Even though weed is harmless, would you consider this rude, in a way? Or basically a harmless joke since weed itself doesn't necessarily cause any harm?

I have my own opinion, but just curious to see what others might think (and if you're curious what I think, I think it's a tiny bit fucked up, considering they may or may not have had their own moral beliefs towards the plant, but worse things can definitely be done).


I'd say it's a little worse than rude.


Rude? Where I live that's illegal.


It's wrong.


that was the plot in my favorite barney miller episode.



Ya. I was reading up on the 1970s the other day. Well, back in the 1970s, it was "no big deal" to drug people in Hollywood. It was the "in" thing during Hollywood parties. You know, with Qualuudes and all. Of course, Quadluudes and weed are hardly the same. Weed is far more harmless.


I don't know, they always seem to take it very well when I tell them afterwards.🤷‍♀️


Not everyone believes in consuming weed in any form. I’d be pissed for sure.




very very uncool.


Yeah, I would consider that wrong, inconsiderate and unethical.
