


Don't eat clowns.

They taste funny.


Which is ironic because clowns aren't funny.


"What's the matter kid, don't you like clowns?" :)


Funny how?


One of the all-time classic scenes!


Do I amuse you?


I'm resting.


Like a clown?


In the middle of the weeds.


Donner Party - Wikipedia

>>The Donner Party (sometimes called the Donner–Reed Party) was a group of American pioneers who migrated to California in a wagon train from the Midwest. Delayed by a multitude of mishaps, they spent the winter of 1846–1847 snowbound in the Sierra Nevada mountain range. Some of the migrants resorted to cannibalism to survive, eating the bodies of those who had succumbed to starvation


Are you hungry or something?


Haha, no, wanted to somehow DEBATE a particularly controversial subject including movie scenes and themes as such.


Hannibal Lecter.


I guess it depends on the situation. I mean if we're talking the real life "If I die, you can eat me" scene from Alive (1993) or the Dalmer movie, or like you said Lecter. The 70s/80s cannibal movies are a different story as well. So not knowing what you want to debate I'm not sure I'm helping.


No debate for me - if I was starving in the truest sense of the word, I most definitely would eat anything - including human flesh,(as long as they were already dead, like the Donner Party), my cat, my dog. No time to be squeamish.

Hopefully, I will never find myself in that situation.


Remember that scene in the controversial and disturbing cult grotesque French surreal fantasy film "I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse" (1973) ("J'irai comme un cheval fou"), where, SPOILERS ALERT - that midget fantasy figure kills, devours and EATS the main character, and he is seen not as an outright evil MONSTER and if not a downright good character, but as a flawed fantasy being with one's own sense of "morality" and "duty" and whatnot and in the process, his "victim's" spirit was taken to heaven, and yes I have indeed seen this movie and own it on DVD. Ooh, I CHALLENGE you to watch it, provided you have BOTH a strong stomach AND an open mind.

Very much in Fernando Arrabal's own vein but in some ways its like were Ruggero Deodato, Pier Paolo Pasolini, Luis Bunuel and Alejandro Jodorowsky joined forces to make a movie like that with a tiny touch of "Midnight Cowboy" (1969) on the side. And yes, of course, it ALSO deals with cannibalism and as one reviewer mentioned correctly, it is merely a PLOT DEVICE but still...


Titus Andronicus

Act 5, scene 2


>>Tamora, disguised as Revenge, tells Titus she has come to his aid, and that if he will invite Lucius to a feast, she will bring Tamora and Saturninus so that Titus can avenge himself on them. When she leaves, Titus insists that her companions, “Rape” and “Murder” (Chiron and Demetrius in disguise), remain with him until her return. He then cuts their throats and collects the blood, which he will mix with their ground bones into pastry for a pie to be served to Tamora.

Don't forget about PLAYS.

Poor Tamora discovers she's EATEN her own 2 sons for dinner ...

sort of like the body of "MEATLOAF" was also EATEN for DINNER in the "ROCKY HORROR PICTURE SHOW."



Don't forget Sweeney Todd 😁


ingrid newkirk, a peta vp, has written in her will directions to have her corpse eaten & used in the way animal corpses are.

2. While the final decision as to the use of my body remains with PETA, I make the following suggested directions:

a. That the “meat” of my body, or a portion thereof, be used for a human barbecue, to remind the world that the meat of a corpse is all flesh, regardless of whether it comes from a human being or another animal, and that flesh foods are not needed;

b. That my skin, or a portion thereof, be removed and made into leather products, such as purses, to remind the world that human skin and the skin of other animals is the same and that neither is “fabric” nor needed, and that some skin be tacked up outside the Indian Leather Fair each year to serve as a reminder of the government’s need to abate the suffering of Indian bullocks who, after a life of extreme and involuntary servitude, as I have seen firsthand, are exported all over the world in this form;

c. That in remembrance of the elephant-foot umbrella stands and tiger rugs I saw, as a child, offered for sale by merchants at Connaught Place in Delhi, my feet be removed and umbrella stands or other ornamentation be made from them, as a reminder of the depravity of killing innocent animals, such as elephants, in order that we might use their body parts for household items and decorations;

d. That one of my eyes be removed, mounted, and delivered to the administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency as a reminder that PETA will continue to be watching the agency until it stops poisoning and torturing animals in useless and cruel experiments; that the other is to be used as PETA sees fit;

& it goes on... full doc is in the link.


I'll have a slice. But forget the ornamental body parts. Those things will be going for way more than I want to spend.


There's also films like Deodato's Cannibal Holocaust (1980) and Jungle Holocaust (1977), Cannibal Ferox (1981), Marian Dora's "Cannibal" (2005) which was also based on a true story, Der Fan (1982), "Raw" (2016), Ravenous (1999) and little seen Spanish flick "Omnivores" (2013) that feature such subject. Plus Nicholas Winding Refn's 2016 flick "The Neon Demon".

Also, in your opinion, how taboo and problematic and disturbing IS cannibalism even in fiction? Compared to such other topics as :

Murder, bestiality, sexual violence and sexual abuse of ANY kind, physical violence, necrophilia, other stuff etc and should we be AS shocked by it as we are perhaps in ONE area? Cheers.

And even Jean Luc Godard's brilliant film "Weekend" (1967) deals with such a subject.


And "The Texas Chainsaw Massacre" (1974), and "Eaten Alive" (1980). And even Pasolini's "Pigsty" (1969).


I think the only time cannibalism really creeps me out is when one is forced to eat part of themselves.


Now that’s disgusting.


or family members


According to what I've read, the Donner Party made sure that didn't happen.


It happened during the siege of Stalingrad in WW2.




eating dead family members


Topic turning REALLY grim now, innit?

Heck, even "I Will Walk Like a Crazy Horse" (1973) film don't seem so gross anymore.


you started the thread.


I know, but still... And I'm not "complaining" by the way Mr Hownos. )


no problem.


No problemo. Hasta la vista, baby. :)
And good luck in tracking down even some of the HERE mentioned by me movies, all of which practically I've seen.


the more movie talk the better.




Long pig.


Also, even if I was hungry, in this modern day and age, why would I, haha, necessarily want to eat a human being, lol? :) :) :)


No offense or anything like that... but...

In films like "Surviving the Game" (1994) and same year's Michael Haneke's grim and thought provoking drama "71 Fragments of a Chronology of Chance" (also 1994), I kinda cringed at having its characters eat from garbage dumps etc but cannibalism seems to be really crossing it, I don't think I can handle either activity.


So... Anymore thoughts on the subject?


Ever heard of this guy?

He committed several acts of cannibalism in Colorado during the winter of 1874. Later, in the 1960s, the students at the University of Colorado named the campus's new diner "The Alferd Packer Grill."
