MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Pitbulls should be banned

Pitbulls should be banned

Whenever you bring up the fact that pitbulls have certain traits that may make them dangerous you are called a dog racist.yet if you say a greyhound was bred to race, a retriever to retrieve, and an Australian Shepard to herd that is totally acceptable common knowledge and facts.

There are plenty of misconceptions about Pitbull's capabilities that are untrue. they for instance cant lock their jaw, and don't have the highest bite strength.

but what they do have is a long history of breeding to fight.
it first started off in England, where for hundreds of years they were used to bull/ bear bait (hence the name) and fight these large animals while ignoring the pain. When that was banned, dog fighting began, and someone had the amazing idea of mixing them with a terrier! This increased gaminess, which is to develop traits of eagerness despite the threat of substantive injury.

Hence the ignoring of pain, continued mauling despite attempts to stop. You will never find a video of a golden retriever or a Labrador going after a large horse, let alone being constantly kicked and not stopping. or the multiple videos of mailings where the dog is being hit or shot and won't stop mauling.

I can find the source if requested, but one expert on dogs remarked how he approached a pit on the other side of the fence. it gave all the indicators of friendliness, wagging its tail accompanied with a play bow. wen he got closer it tried to go for him through the fence. That seems to be the issue here. unlike there breeds, the line between fun and play and brutal attacking mauling is one in the same because they were literally bred for hundreds of years for that to be the case

Now before anyone says "its all the owners! it used to be German shepherds and rottweillers". well the top other 3 breeds known for attacking. if you combine all their recorded kills in US history, still do not equal pittbull kills ion the last 10 years. This does not mean if you own one you have a 100% chance of being mauled. but you bet your ass your odds are far higher.

there doesnt seem to be a good reason to own such a dangerous breed




ya original title was "ban pitbulls?" and didn't correct it thanks done now


What about this Pitbull: -


That is the worst pitbull of them all. no other pitbull has inflicted more harm on humans than that one. I suggest he be immediately muzzled and possibly euthanized


He can’t help it - it’s in his genes.


no it was how he was raised. either way lol touche


Probably not the direction that you envisaged this thread going, lol.


bit of levity is always great


Better to laugh than cry and thank you for taking it in the spirit it was intended.




*spirit* edited, thanks.


LOL. I love pitbulls, though they,given, are dangerous, but what about hiskies, G./Shepards, and chihuahuaqs..NEVERquestion the POWER of a small PUPPY! 😁🐶


chihuahuas dont nearly have the ability to cause damage Pitts do.

its why we are more scared of a lion vs an aggressive hamster


Pitbulls can be great pets and very gentle. Sadly, with a bad owner their danger potential is higher than other dogs. A few of the coolest dogs I have ever known were pitbulls.

However, chihuahuas suck. They are either too high strung, barkers or they are twitchy cowards. The breed bonds with its pack (one or two people) and then forever barks at and needles everyone else. Chihuahua owners tend to be cunts too. They like that their pet is a little fucker to everyone but them. It feeds that "my baby loves me more than anyone" mentality.

If you're going to breed-ocide, then put chihuahuas in front of the line. To be fair though, chihuahua mixes tend to be fine.


"Pitbulls can be great pets and very gentle. Sadly, when a bad owner their danger potential is higher than other dogs. A few of the coolest dogs I have ever known were pitbulls. "

the facts disagree with this. how many videos have you seen of good owners claim "they've never done this before". you dont have that with golden retrievers. why? its 250 years of selective breeding to fight and maul. that is literally their raison d'etre.

"However, chihuahuas suck. They are either too high strung, barkers or they are twitchy cowards. The breed bonds with its pack (one or two people) and then forever barks at and needles everyone else. Chihuahua owners tend to be cunts too. They like that their pet is a little fucker to everyone but them. It feeds that "my baby loves me more than anyone" mentality."

that may be true, ive never been afraid of a chihuahua. my area prohibits Pitt bulls, tu the living hell most ameicvans must have to deal with knowing those could be at any house ready to maul.

chihuhas can be yay fucks. they also dont tend to maul their lifelong owner who was having a seizure

how fucking bad of a breed does it have to be to do that.

or to literally maul your owners face infront of kids because you did the ice bucket challenge

Im not saying no other breed has never snapped and you cant find a Rottweiler attack video.

the issue is there are a plethora of these non rescue, "raised right" Pitts that snap far far more vs other breeds. its not "snapping", its what they were bred to do for 250 years. its not a "bad" or "unusual" thing. grabbing on and mauling to death is fun and playtime


557K people gave that a thumbs up. That's exhibit A of why people should stop listening to popular music.


"You know you want me..."


Except Jon Snow, he knows nothing.


As opposed to Tyrion Lannister, who drinks and knows things.


They are in Toronto.


I believe its an Ontario wide ban. Ford, who seems to have taken many of his policy points from someone who has lived in a trailer park (allowing dogs on patios and 1$ beers) was weighing removing the ban. then a child was brutally attacked and it got a lot of press. He then said he's not considering anything


Why are some dog breeds big and some small?
Genetic predisposition

Why are some dog breeds fast and active and others are slow and lay around a lot?
Genetic predisposition

Why do specific breeds have specific identifiable color patterns?
Genetic predisposition

Why are some dog breeds clever and productive and others are dumb and not useful?
Purely socio-economic factors - systemic privilege for some and systemic oppression for the others.


you should have ended with "why are some prone to violence and mauling and others more docile"

"its the owners and how you raise them"

this would have been better rather than your political racist comment


I'm talking about dog breeds. I'm not sure what you're talking about.


if you say so..


Pit bulls were bred for dog-fights and bull-baiting (placing a bull in a pit and allowing a dog to attack it... hence the name of the breed: Breeders would select the most aggressive individuals from each litter for mating. Today's pit bulls are the result of generations of selective breeding designed to produce a belligerent and vicious animal.

There are too many people who anthropomorphize their pets. I think they've been watching too many cartoons and Disney movies. A dog is not a person; it's an animal that functions on pure instinct, not intellect. When something triggers a pit bull to attack, you cannot reason with it. Many have learned this the hard way when their young children have been mauled and sometimes killed by what they viewed as a "member of the family." People need to get over this mindset that pets are equal to humans.


agreed 100%. these are facts. no matter how many attempt the "nanny dog" lie or as you said anthropomorphize their dog as if it will not act out of instinct but in line with our own human logic.

I am part of a group that posts things about this topic. and while attacks certainly happen among other reeds, the amount of "but he never hurt anyone and we always trusted him before" seems to be the death knell these people say once their kids have been brutally killed


This mindset is perpetuated by people using terms like "pet parent" and "pet adoption." One of the most ridiculous things I've ever seen was a Fathers Day card with the greeting To my doggie daddy "from" the pet. Dogs don't send greeting cards.

People with pets are owners, not "parents." A pet is their property, not their "baby" or "member of the family." And "adoption" concerns children, not animals. Pets are purchased, not "adopted."

This whole concept is twisted.


the worst is when you hear stories of "rescue dogs" where the parent knows it has a history of violence or even showed signs of aggression before the big attack.

this lady know the dog was violent, and put her entire family at risk ultimately resulting in tragedy. I can't help but feel bad but at the same time what an irresponsible idiot


"Rescue dog" is another ludicrous term. These people act like they've performed some heroic deed by bringing home some filthy animal. These are the same ones who allow dogs to lick their faces (the equivalent of spitting in someone's face), sleep in their beds with them, or sit on their laps at the dinner table while they are eating. A great way to spread germs. Some allow them to run free because training or disciplining the dog might hurt its precious little feelings.

People who value the lives of pets over that of humans have problems.


agreed often its social media virtue signalling. about how great they are for "saving" this animal for all to see. I am sure it makes them feel good.

I mean I have a jack russel I let do some of those things which I agree is probably objectively gross. but personal allowances are one thing. having an extremely dangerous animal who jeapordizes others safety is another.

which from the literally 1000s of videos online, Pitbulls seem like particularly good escape artists. who will then run round the community looking for the first small thing it can to murder.

they are also cowardly often when the bloodlust/ mauling mainframe lessens and they actually assess the threat.

there's a video of one going after a larger German Shepard. you can see it realize it stands no chance and backs off.

or another where a person is holding a puppy near it. and rather than having the instinct that many dogs do to treat the juveniles better (cats seem to have this sense too). it feigns being friendly and interested, only so it can get the proper angle and tries to go for a throat kill like a coward


These are the same ones who allow dogs to lick their faces (the equivalent of spitting in someone's face), sleep in their beds with them, or sit on their laps at the dinner table while they are eating. A great way to spread germs.

THIS! This right here!

I absolutely love dogs as much as the most ardent dog lover, BUT there is no fucking way I would ever allow a dog to lick my face. Dogs spend their days licking their genitals, sniffing other dogs' assholes, nibbling bits of their own fecal matter as well as the excrement of other dogs (ostensibly to assess health), and a wide range of other disgusting behavior. It's unbelievable that some people will, for example, let their dog lick their ice-cream cone, and continue eating the same cone as if that's perfectly okay. Ugh!

In addition dogs are generally supposed to be washed no more than once every couple of weeks because washing them more regularly dries out their skin. So why on Earth would any sane, rational person allow a dog on their bed? If I didn't shower for two weeks would you be comfortable having me sit on your sofa, let alone your bed? Of course not.

I know that dog lovers will not be persuaded by this reply, but can someone who allows their dog to lick their face explain: do you at least wash your face after your dog has licked it? Do you change your duvets and sheets after your dog has been on it?


Finally... someone else who understands this.


You afraid of dogs now too??? It's a shame that people like you can't mind your own business, even when it comes to pets.


wow another non argument. another vague statement that means nothing and adds nothing. you sure do have a trademark style cowardcraig!

have you ever made an actual argument here rather than ad hominids and vague statements!

remember when I had to explain to you simple things cause you said "you just don't understand"

and when I asked for clarification you ran away?

I could not imagine being such a coward. if this is how pathetic you are online, imagine in real life.

im imaging a tiny man, constantly clutching his concealed carry pistol, constantly afraid of everything


Stop projecting. You're afraid of guns, you're afraid of real men with guns, you're afraid of paying your own way in the real world and now you're afraid of dogs too! People like you are afraid of everything.

Dogs do what they're trained to do. Greyhounds do not run around like idiots, in fact that are quite docile in a pet environment. Same for pitbulls. I don't even like dogs but we had bulldogs when I was a kid. They were gentle pets just as any other breed. The violent pitbulls, which is the same for any other breed, were those who were kept chained to a post and treated poorly, to make them mean. If you got out of mom's basement, stopped Googling everything and actually experienced the real world, you would know such things.


lol "real men with guns"

I doubt no one has ever said those words together with "Craig is"

what objective facts won't Craig disagree with for the sake of argument.

bulldogs aren't Pitbulls you fucking chump. different breed dumbs.

haha for now on coward Craig, just right "I don't understand any topic im talking about, and can't even do 2 minutes of research"


Pitbulls are descended from bulldogs and terriers, you fucking halfwit. We had both pitbulls and American bulldogs.


yes, i said that in my comment you illiterate piece of stool. and since the merging they continued to breed them for certain traits we now find strongly in the new BREED that is pitbulls.

meaning your bulldogs breed temperament has little to do with a different breed that is removed form it and bred for OTHER traits for 150 years.

fuck you are stupid.


WE HAD PITBULLS, MORON! You've probably never even seen one from mom's basement.


your intitial post "I don't even like dogs but we had bulldogs when I was a kid"

am I supposed to fucking read minds? am I supposed to know you had them?

so I addressed what you wrote. then after you added in "pitbulls too".

it doesn't change you still wrote nonsense saying a bulldog is just like. Pitbull. which I addressed

learn how to fucking write and form coherent sentences.. I swear you do it on purpose so you can play the victim. craigcuck


That's comical coming from someone it is impossible to have an actual debate with.


wow big surprise! craigcuck didnt address anything! just more assertions unrelated to any points I made.

craigcuck strikes again


Please tell us what you know about pitbulls and bulldogs that you did not learn from Google.


please tell us craigcuck how raising one makes you an expert on Pitbull statistics and genetics. I avidly await to see the studies you have done on aggregate Pitbull attack data!


I'll take that to mean you know NOTHING you didn't learn from Google. Which basically means you know NOTHING at all. Are you not curious how you're so easily identified as a Googler?


hahah craigcuck as usual. provides zero actual information or sources himself. I couldn't imagine being so incredibly stupid. and not even understanding the burden of proof


I couldn't imagine being mentally retarded, learning everything from Google and then failing miserably at insulting the intelligence of others. Truly a pathetic human being.


remember when you said you owned a bulldog. then is aid it isn't a pitt and you said "oh and a pitt too!" just so you could play the victim.your life as a cuck is so sad


You must be awfully angry and lonely in mom's basement. I'm going to go enjoy my life now. With a woman. Who married me. By choice.


well settling for your fat corpse is hardly anything to brag about. congrats you married someone who is likely like yourself fat. her estrogen has risen, your testosterone has dropped. and the most exciting thing in your life is your newest tv show release


Oooh, now you’re gettin’ nasty! Must’ve struck a nerve.


why cause I hit too close to the truth?

you enjoy your life with a woman. who married a cowardly cuck who is scared of everything.

im so jealous of your trash life.




Little too close to the truth I see. you guys at the phase you've given up on all personal fitness. lost motivation. and just eat chips on the couch almost every night?

I am sorry I am young with drive and bought my first house alone and continue to chase things not be locked down in your boring life. The most exciting thing in your life is finding a sale at home depot cause she nagged you into replacing the handle in the bathroom

my life =improving and changing and going up

your life= stagnant, dead, boring, a chore, on the decline


I hate to burst your bubble but whether you're a dumb teenager or just a twenty-something that acts like one, no one is jealous of you due to your age. I wouldn't trade places with you or anyone else. I'm not going to brag about the things I have because it's tacky but your little story is just one more dose of fake news that you're now famous for. The biggest liar on MC.


hahahahahahahahahaha im a liar because im younger and have a good active life?

haha the fat old slob can't even defend his shit existence because its too depressing to think about


You're a liar because you spread lies.

This old fat slob has no debt, two paid off vehicles and put it this way, the office chair i'm sitting in in my paid off home cost $5000. Stop projecting, you're not going to win this pissing contest.

Oh and I also exercise 6 days a week.


sure you doing slob. sure you do.


I do. Yesterday was traps and shoulders, today was the off day. Sorry I don’t fit your goofy narrative and no, you’re not going to win this pissing contest. There’s nothing you have that I want. Unless you have a Rolex blue/black GMT, I want one of those.


lol when you aren't actually rich and you think a Rolex is impressive hahahaha

next up "I work in finance!"


Google tell you that?


You're an expert on luxury watches now too??? Can't wait to hear about this.


beg for me to post back more simp.

no its the fact its the stereotypical "thats what rich people have/are".

they "work in finance, have a Rolex and drive a lamborghini"

its what someone who is not actually in the upper class would reference to pretend they are. which is you and your horrible life craigcuck

I work with actually wealthy people, some who drive mclarens. You aint that buddy.


You think because you lie on here every day that everyone else does too? Sorry, I don't fit any of the stereotypes you try to push on me. I don't need affirmation from strangers and have no reason to lie about it. You brought into question my lifestyle and compared it to your own and you had to lie to make yourself 'think' you're better.

Nope, I've been in IT for 17yrs and I drive a truck. Not much use for McLarens or Lamborghinis around here. I'd rather have an Aston-Martin but unlike yourself, I could actually buy one. I mentioned the Rolex "Batman" GMT sort of tongue-in-cheek as something you 'could' have that I would want but it was purely rhetorical. I also mentioned it because I'm a watch collector and it's the only Rolex I want that I would not pay the current going rate for. I don't know about "rich people", that seems to be a vague term the envious have-nots like you use as a pejorative but I have two Rolexes, along with Omega, Breitling, JLC, Frederique Constant, Cartier, Hamilton, Longines and TAG Heuer.


citation needed.

you do though. you come here begging for me to reply!! even posting twice to one comment an hour later when I didn't reply right away

I don't need to lie. nothing I said was out of the ordinary. im a young person in good health who works out and has a decent job. and that threatened you soooooooooo much.

hahah what a lie! no one could ever be young and go to the gym! conspiracy! conspiracy!!!

wow it was rhetorical, must mean its valid. you are so stupid and trying too hard. amazing someone working and being such a rich person who lives on here all hours of the day! even more than me!


Can you ever stay on topic or is the Ritalin wearing off???


you telling others to stay on topic is golden.

craigcuck couldn't stay on topic if his life depended on it


Another example of what a waste of time you are.


you live here craigcuckie! anyways I think you re going to go on the ignore list! you are a pathetic idiot who has yet to add a single coherent point, let alone an intelligent one

I can handle disagreement. I can't handle whiny conservative bitches who don't know what a burden of proof is and expect others to do their research for them.


What you don't seem to comprehend is that I do not accept the burden of proof. My research is already done. I'll let people like you scurry about trying to be right about subjects you were gleefully ignorant of before you Googled it in a vain effort to win an argument.


"I do not accept the burden of proof. My research is already done."

then you re quite possibly, retarded

here look ill do it.

"oh craigcuck you dont believe goblins exist? I did my research already! io don't have to prove anything! you look up evidence to prove MY point!"


I'll be thinking of you when I check the time on my Rolex this afternoon........not really.


I don´t know if they should be "banned" but I agree with most of what you said though that they are a dangerous breed. People that own them are biased because their "Rex couldn´t harm a fly". I have seen and heard of unprovoked attacks from pits against other dogs as well as small children and the owners were not abusive in the slightest.


one old lady (may she rest in piece) was prone to seizures. the Pitt this time freaked out and mauled her to death during it.

imagine how horrible that must have been. and her daughters made excuses for the dog. What lifelong pet (wasn't a rescuer animal with a history of abuse) tears apart their loving owner like that


I would not want to own a pet that is capable of seriously harming or killing me. This includes pitbulls.


If my cat had the capabilities of a pitbull id be long dead!
