MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Necroposting - Yea or Nay?

Necroposting - Yea or Nay?

For me the answer is: sometimes.

If I want to keep the conversation intact for context, then I'll resurrect and old thread. But I try to do it in such a way that is clear I'm adding to an old conversation.

However, I see a lot of users reply to an old IMDb post as though it were new and that person will be reading it. It seems odd. I always feel like I want to reply, "you know that's from IMDb and they won't see it, right?"


Nothing wrong with keeping movie threads alive and going
I think some posters may not notice how old a post is sometimes, no biggie


Some people for some reasons don't like it. Many forum websites outright banning it. But I don't see what's the problem.

Of course, if a user is EXCLUSIVELY only doing necroposting and nothing else, then it's safe to say he's just trolling. Ban the guy then, not the activity.


I disagree
Continuing ‘ancient’ movie discussions is a good thing for MC, some posters just chat about movies and as long as they follow the rules what’s wrong with that?


Only doing one thing and one thing only in a forum is usually a sign of trolling.

If one was really meaning to discuss movies, there surely will be a time he needs to make a new thread or at least reply to new-ish threads. Also, some movie boards have no threads. So he won't be able to discuss those movies. That is a very suspicious M.O.

It's very unlikely to be able to add something valueable in a discussion if it's constrained with replying to ancient threads ONLY and nothing else.


Again, I disagree
Responding to the oldies bumps them so others may join in

As for trolling, this site is for all sorts of discussions and if a poster is legitimately keeping discussion alive for others to see let them

Lots of times I respond to years-old threads for older movies I’ve just recently watched, that’s not trolling


I know. I was talking about if a person ONLY reply to ancient threads and NEVER EVER touch non-ancient threads.

Like I said, I don't see the problem why necroposting is deemed bad in many other forums. It's certainly not here. I don't have problem with that. I necroposted many times myself.

But if what a guy doing in ONLY necropost AND NOTHING ELSE it's a limitation that's clearly warrant a second look of why actually the reason he does that. Why he never reply to new threads? Why he never made a thread himself?

Is that not a suspicious activity?

Because if he's legit just want to discuss movies, then why limit ONLY to necropost and NOTHING ELSE? Why?

Doesn't make any sense if it's not a trolling behavior.


People are strange but most are harmless, let them do their thing

Banning should always be a last resort and only for frequent site rules violations


Of course, I'll let them. I'm not a mod, I won't ban them don't worry about that.

But if the mods ban the hypothetical necropost-only user, I won't complain either.


I’m not worried

I’d consider this unfair, people use MC for different reasons

Let’s figure we just don’t see eye to eye on the matter


Nothing is ever fair.


I disagree


I respect that.


“But if what a guy doing in ONLY necropost AND NOTHING ELSE it's a limitation that's clearly warrant a second look of why actually the reason he does that. Why he never reply to new threads? Why he never made a thread himself?”

If someone is posting a legitimate response, or furthering the discussion, why does it matter? I only think it should be looked at if they are doing it with the intention of bumping the topic.

I don’t think I’ve made my own topic since I joined this site 5 years ago. I typically just reply to topics that interest me. Please explain why you think someone like me should be kicked off the site?


Nobody talked about kicking somebody like you. You're overextrapolating my point. This thread is NOT an ancient inactive thread, yet you replied to it.

Where in my posts that it's not EXTREMELY CLEAR when I said ONLY necropost AND NOTHING ELSE?


If it's still unclear I don't know what will.


You’re side stepping the point a bit. I used my self as an example to show that this isn’t necessarily troll behavior, they are posting regularly, just in a way that violates some arbitrary time limit that someone has come up with.

I’ve only recently started checking the trending topics. Previously I didn’t browse this site, just to browse it. I only checked the board of a movie that I was currently watching, or had recently watched. Most of the boards are ancient, but all of the topics are still open for reply.

So yes, this particularly topic is fairly new, but According your point, this is suspicious, and and I could’ve been banned along time ago. I’m just asking you to explain why.


I know. What you do is not what I meant. Who said it was? You did something else than just necroposting. Do you even know what necroposting is?

I have nothing to explain, because again NOBODY HERE IS TALKING ABOUT PEOPLE LIKE YOU.

Why do you keep insisting that this is about you?

Why would I explain something that I have never said?

What's your point exactly anyway?


I’m only asking a simple question, you can remove me from it.

If someone is only posting in old topics, Why os it a problem?


I post for posterity. I rarely care about the OP. Most OPs are not worth caring about. I care about those who come after, in the future. When I encounter an asinine ancient post, I will attack it, so our progeny will not think that we were ALL fucking idiots.

I will also mock predictions that failed miserably. I want to discourage arrogant prognostication. Nobody on this site has actual visions of the future—but so many vacuously “think” that they do.



[–] GypsyMike (173) 2 hours ago
I have a few predictions that you can mock.
BOLD ones.
I’ve only been on here a short time and am fascinated by all the ‘stupid’ that I see on here.
And I’m originally from Baltimore, MD!
Stupid’s second home!
Send me

I don't see any predictions in your post for mocking, much less BOLD ones.





I also will mock predictions that failed miserably. However, it's not much satisfaction if the poster is not around to see it.

I suppose there is some in that others will see.


I do it regularly - I’ll watch a film, then go on the relevant board, read all the threads, add to some old threads and start some new ones. I never thought for a moment that it could be construed as trolling or that it would upset anyone.

Until I am told otherwise, I will continue to do this.


This is 100% reasonable and I think the general attitude of most users here, including me.




I do that.

I know it's strange, but just I respond to any interesting or a good observation about a movie... Adding to a thread.

To be fair, a good deal of new posts are about culture wars, or I found a plot hole, or in the form of a question not because he/she wants an answer but because the poster is addicted to the red cookies in the upper right hand corner. (Current poster excluded of course 🙂)



Yeah hopefully it isn't the entire season.


I don't see anything wrong with that. I also like to add to a discussion, old or not.

I just find it odd when someone responds in such way as though it's still an active conversation and the old IMDb user would be able to see it.


Individual movie boards are slow enough here as it is. If the OP is something I want to respond to, I will, even if it is 10 years old. Someone else might see my comment and reply. Or they may not.

I'd much rather see necroposting about an actual movie than a brand new post asking of an actress "Would you sniff her Hiney?"


I agree with this. All the nonsense posts about wokeness and whatnot get old quick. I'd much rather see actual discussion, even on a dead subject.


I just saw one where the post was about shutting down the IMBD boards, and the comment was just RIP. Those are the type of necroposting that I don't understand at all. Like, what was the point of that 5 years later?


Imdb RIP


Why????? lol


I'm holding a vigil, right now, on my own.


“I'd much rather see necroposting about an actual movie than a brand new post asking of an actress "Would you sniff her Hiney?"

I’m so sick of those sort of posts


An everyone please stop saying ‘sniff her hiney’. I’m trying to work.


Can we say, "smurf her honey"?


Great! Now you’ve got me wondering if I want to sniff her hiney.


I love necro-posters. I especially like replying as though time had not swallowed up the OP and the discussion is fresh. Even if the necro posting is of no immediate value and single minded necro for necro sake, I'm OK with it. Bringing old discussions back to the fore only encourages more discussion.

I think a ban should only ever land on an out of control, hate spammer. I don't even mind the Princess Beatrice style trend-trolling. Some trolling is funny.


Man, I wish we could have embedded reaction gifs here LOL


I think it depends on the forum and content. Two reasons it works here;

* somebody watches a 30 year old film for first time and as something to add to an old discussion

* Keep good Imdb threads alive, after all MC came into existence to keep threads for posterity

Where it is possibly less relevant is in General forum where threads are more topical and transient.


Where it is possibly less relevant is in General forum where threads are more topical and transient.

Ah, this is an angle I hadn't thought of. You're right. Discussions on old movies and shows are still relevant (for the most part) no matter how old they get. But the general chat has few timeless topics.
