MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What’s the most disturbing movie scene y...

What’s the most disturbing movie scene you’ve ever seen?

For me it’s one of the following:

- The shark scene from Licence To Kill
- The Endo scene from Lethal Weapon
- The ear scene from Reservoir Dogs
- The scene where Archer finds out Troy has his face in Face/Off
- The Stromboli scene in Pinocchio


The rape scene in 'Irreversible,' by far.

Traumatic AF. I haven't seen it since 2012, and can't quite summon the courage to watch it again.


Breakback Mountain when Jake Gyllenhaal takes it up the pooper.


As welcome as you are, but these scenes are tame playground comparing to a lot of other stuff we've seen in far more controversial and officially disturbing movies out there.


They may be tame in comparison to torture porn but they are disturbing because of the acting


Well feel free to not mention what they are!


ALSO, can I break parade here and ask THIS question -

Whether its those "disturbing scenes" the OP mentions in the, well, ORIGINAL POST, or other users mentioning more disturbing and controversial movies, or some users mentioning say scenes that weren't too in and of itself disturbing but are just not to their err "taste", question is...

Do you find this stuff ENGAGINGLY and FASCINATINGLY "disturbing" or do you find it OFF-PUTTINGLY so, possibly even to the point of not liking said movies or finding it too gratuitous etc or even you still find it distasteful but not too off-puttingly so and have no problems with the overall movies as such or is mostly even ANYTHING "disturbing" for you an automatic no no?

And what about also stuff related to, but not limited, DIRECTORS being guilty of indecent and otherwise strong criminal offenses, does THAT put you off alone, or are of the type of "judge the art, not the artist" variety? Cheers.


Trying to high jack threads is bad etiquette.


Don't feed the walking, talking shit bag.




Every musical number from "Cabaret" except Mein Herr, Wilkommen, Two Ladies, Money, and maybe one more...


When Shireen is burned at the stake in GOT.
