MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > What’s the most disturbing movie scene y...

What’s the most disturbing movie scene you’ve ever seen?

For me it’s one of the following:

- The shark scene from Licence To Kill
- The Endo scene from Lethal Weapon
- The ear scene from Reservoir Dogs
- The scene where Archer finds out Troy has his face in Face/Off
- The Stromboli scene in Pinocchio


The scene in The Valachi Papers (1972) where the gangster gets "circumcised"


The scene in "The Killer Inside Me" (2010) where Casey Affleck buggers Jessica Alba and then comes home and Kate Hudson goes down on him and tastes Alba's poop.


Day of the Dead when the captain is disemboweled


Misery - hobbling scene
Pulp Fiction - overdose needle scene


The overdose was freaking hilarious, WTF are you talking about?


Wtf are you talking about? This topic has already been done here, time and again.


Obviously not seeing how you felt the need to respond.


So you are saying you laughed when she OD'd?


It’s called black comedy. Just like how it’s hilarious when Indy just shoots the swordsman instead of actually fighting him

And it wasn’t the fact that she was ODing that was funny, it was Travolta and everyone else’s acting that was hilarious


The 'Pulp Fiction' overdose scene was tense, for sure, but not disturbing. Ultimately it was one of the funniest scenes in the film.

"That was fuckin trippy." Hillarious!

I saw that movie at 14 with my mother, at her suggestion, and she cracked up at the end of that scene.

By contrast, when Marcellus Wallace was being ass-raped in the basement of the pawn shop, my mom walked out on the film. That scene was much more disturbing.


Not to me. Specifically, stabbing her in the heart with the needle. I was close to leaving the theater until that scene was over. I felt vindicated when I read about a man who passed out in the movie theater because of that scene a few weeks later.


- Rape scene from Mysterious Skin
- Girl stuck in the painting in The Witches (scared me as a child.)
- Various executions in The Pianist.


I'm just going to say the entirety of the movie Snowtown (aka The Snowtown Murders) 2011.


I saw I Spit on Your Grave (1978) at a very young age and the bathroom scene messed me up for a while.


Every mans worst nightmare!


Especially as a young kid. I had a sick feeling for several days. Oh, and now I know your user name’s origin. 👍


The scene in "Happiness" (1998) where Philip Seymour Hoffman jacks off and uses his spunk to "glue" pictures to his bedroom wall.
