MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Mystical experience

Mystical experience

There are certain type of people.

The religious who believe supernatural occurrences on faith alone.

The most popular is atheism.

The agnostics who just don't know.

And there are the knowers.

The knowers are people who have had mystical or supernatural instances in their lives. These experiences and this knowledge obviously trumps atheism, and faith based belief.

There are countless times more atheists than knowers. Countless times more people who sadly have just not made that first evolutionary leap.


What on earth are you on about


I thought it was written in a straightforward manner. Would you like me to go through it with you more slowly?


yeah i don't get it either!


Let's say something happens to you, something that should not be possible. It could be a oneness with God, or some type of encounter with God or an otherworldly entity.

I am using "God" loosely and in order to even discuss Gog we have to describe what our idea of God entails.

It may be a "seeing of the light"

It may be an out of body experience.

It may be a spirit journey or something akin to astral projection.

It may be an encounter with a light which you can't look upon directly, whilst in a trance like state.

I am sure there are many, many more such events people experience but you get the drift, I'm sure.


So a few days ago, I was hiking in the woods, and fell into an extended... waking dream state. Although wide awake and walking around, felt like I'd left the real world and was walking through a dream landscape that could change into something bizarre or magnificent at any second, it felt very strange and profound.

So I still don't know if that was a spiritual experience, if my intense concentration on nature sent me into a serious meditative state, or if my sleep-deprived brain was just trying to fix itself by forcing a dream state into my waking life.


My answer is yes.

I particularly like how you've phrased this [very accurate in my thinking about the topic]:

The knowers are people who have had mystical or supernatural instances in their lives. These experiences and this knowledge obviously trumps atheism, and faith based belief.


It's not accurate though is it. People interpret these "mystical experiences" ( and just describing them in that way is a giveaway right from the start ) as being something sent from God or some Divine Power. But they may simply be generated by the person's own mind.

I have had a "mystical experience" myself and it was very powerful. Unfortunately ( or perhaps fortunately ) it involved the Sun God Ra so I wasn't inclined to believe that it was a "true revelation" but rather something else of a "man made" variety.


"It's not accurate though is it. [sic]"

It is entirely accurate and deliberately chosen verbiage to leave little doubt what is entailed is an occurrence which is preternatural.

I appreciate your scepticism, it's as entirely understandable as it is predictable. If one can make it far enough to be actually taken seriously enough to be listened to the next stumbling block will be the "generated by a person's own mind" routine.

The trouble in these situations is, of course, the futile task of convincing somebody of an outlandish experience which is unprovable and personal. As you have demonstrated.

The next barriers to rubbish such experiences will be, delusions, drugs, metal illness and so on and so fourth. I get it. What is more readily believable?

Perhaps you could shed some more light on your own experience, I am already intrigued?


It was late afternoon and I was on a golf course. Suddenly I became aware of the sun as it was getting down towards the horizon. Then everything changed. It was like a Van Gogh painting where the trees and the grass seemed as though they were writhing with an inner force. That force was coming from the sun and when I looked back to it the sun in it's immense presence was aware of me, was regarding me. It didn't last for long but it was quite a powerful experience.


I have had a quite similar experience.



I can agree with some of that. Every time a "mystical experience" or similar type of event occurred in my life, I performed a self-created protocol to mentally analyze what happened. I wanted to go through any and all possible, rational reasons for how/why an event took place, which also included: "Maybe I have an undiagnosed mental illness".

Some events I figured were perhaps a product of my own making/thinking, while other events could not be explained at all (i.e., except by something greater than myself and "natural law") and others could be explained by natural/rational means. I let some of my family and friends know about these events, so they can be a check against my perceptions.

My "protocol" isn't full-proof but it helps eliminate a few events I initially thought were perhaps "supernatural".


what did you see/experience?


Wrong board. This stuff goes here:


I have sinned.


That board like so many at Moviechat is dead. There's no point posting there.


Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.


Tell that to the poster that got banned some months ago for posting that same garbage here. Although I see from your post count that you're probably that same person with a new sock account. 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


If you are going to throw around accusations then you are either making baseless claims which are worth nothing, or you have some shred of evidence to support yourself.

Since you obviously have nothing to substantiate your noise then I am afraid you do not have any credibility and cannot be taken seriously.

First you try to tell me where to post. Never mind the numerous other unusual threads you have not tried to police. Never mind this board is for "anything other than politics".

Why can't I start a thread or two about things that interest me without you trying to pick on me? Why do you get to be the arbiter of what can and cannot be posted?

Then it's the same old tried and tested smear campaign, if you do not like somebody call them a sock or a troll. Mud sticks. Never mind you cannot rationally have a dialogue about any potential disagreements and resort to childish fripperies.





Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.


Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.


Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.


Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.




I had a similar issue yesterday with posting the same thing multiple times.

Either MC or my phone goes wonky every so often I guess.


Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.


Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.


Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.


Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.


Especially when it say this board is for ANYTHING bar politics. Looks like Aril-151-CT thinks they call the shots.
