MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > The demographic breakdown of MovieChat?

The demographic breakdown of MovieChat?

I get the feeling this site is primarily made up of Cis White American men in their mid-40s to mid-50s. Would you agree? I believe they are approxmiately 66.333% (repeating of course) of members.

I myself am an AWAB+AMAB (assigned White at birth, assigned Male at birth) non-binary (90% heterosexual with 7% homosexual and 3% asexual) African Woman who was birthed 31 years ago, though I identify as a 21 year old. I'm also from France though my anestral roots trace back to the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Are there any other fellow non-Cis African Women in their 20s on this site? I feel a touch isolated and lonely on here. I hope I'm not the only one. In any case I hope this sites racial, gender, age, national & sexual diversity increases in the near future.

Happy to call myself a MovieChatter.

Cheers and good day fellow movie fans.




I'd prefer if you weren't so rude but at least you slurred me with the correct gendered obscenity. It's the little victories I guess. A start.



Hi In_Theaters!!!


It's funny that you said that I have a few screws loose and here you said like a deranged troll.


As a transsexual I would appreciate if you used the correct pronouns, trolless not troll. Thanks for your cooperation.


Nearly 60yo (this year in September) white male (of primarily Irish, Scottish, & French descent) unabashedly binary & heterosexual with zero apologies or guilt!!😎 politically right-leaning centrist libertarian.


We're a very diverse bunch here. We have men, women and Kowalski.


That is funny!


It would be more helpful if you could provide us with your other user names.


Your Woke language is confusing. You used a lot of words to say white American men aged 40-50.
