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Rollcall - Gender Identity and pronouns please!

Me: Cismale
Pronouns: He/him



I give zero thought to this idiocy.


I do agree that it’s tedious to be with a biological male or female and feel the need to alter how I address them. I’m very bad with pronouns and I can’t help it.

However, I’m in New York and even though straight is the clear majority here I do run into plenty of alternate lifestyle people.

I try to accommodate people when I can but I often slip up. It’s hard and I get confused sometimes…just say you’re a gay dude or a chick that likes girls. You are gay and that’s OK👍

I’m not throwing rocks over here.


No, I get it completely. I interact with all kinds of people and have never really noticed any of them being hung up on this media hyped baloney.


I too suspect that it’s media hyped baloney as well.

I recently learned that I’m a CISgender which means I like titties and sexy Lady asses and legs.

Go Science😄


You're part of the patriarchy!


Ssshhh…don’t let on that I’m secretly in control of politics, the economy and the weather. I’ll talk to you later, me and my bro Elon are about to go up in one of his spaceships. I’ll bring you back a moon rock👍




Umm...not what Cisgender means. All that means is that whatever gender you are now is the same as what was presumed for you at birth.

I'm Cis, but I like titties too.


Words mean what I choose them to mean and it’s insulting when you presume to tell me what a word means.

*you see how this all seems stupidly confusing to the point that I’m not really taking it seriously😁


Weird. I don't find it confusing at all.

If someone tells me they wish to be called something instead of something else, I'll call them what they want to be called. It's really simple to me. I might slip up, but if you generally make an effort people are usually really understanding.


Good for you👍


Gender doesn't have to do with sexuality 🤦


Shut up clown.


A male who likes other males and identifies as a male, which is the gender assigned to him at birth, is a cismale.


You folks keep making up shit, pretty much nobody cares.


I am a "cis" (I hate that word) a.k.a Normal male
My pronouns are for me to know and for you to guess. But don't guess wrong, otherwise I will be really offended and you will be cancelled.

The real question is: What are your adjectives?
My adjectives are Dapper/Jocular
