MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do white men like golf so much?

Why do white men like golf so much?

Such a boring game to watch on tv.

What gets me is that people go and watch it live. Sometimes they're so far away I think "you can't even see what's happening!"

My guess is that because it's elitist (you need money for clubs, clothes, memberships etc) it's survived as a "whites only" space long after it became illegal to deny entry to people of color.

So white men can go and hang out and don't have to worry about brothers being around.

That's why some guy famously made a racist comment about Tiger Woods first win, calling him a little boy and how you wish him well and to not be serving fried chicken next year. (Tiger is half Asian btw).



Ask Tiger Woods.


Unless you've played it, you'll never understand.

It symbolizes the absurdity of life to a tee (pun intended) - you assign it meaning, you try and most often you fail but when you succeed, it feels great.

As for your white bit, you sound racist - you might want to check yourself.


What’s embarrassing is that when I was in grade school I told one of my classmates that I knew how to play golf and then they pointed out to me that putt-putt isn’t really golf.


I knew one guy who was so hooked on golf he started getting into arguments with his partner because she complained he spent more time watching golf than he did on her. He was willing to put his marriage at serious risk because he just couldn't get enough golf


Ever heard the term 'golf widow'?


Never heard of anything as white as that


Well, perhaps it's ironic then that I first heard it from a Black woman (who was my line-boss at the time) and a Barbadian immigrant no less, although I believe (but cannot be certain) that she was/is married to a white man.


Every hobby-oriented gathering I've ever been to that's large enough to have stuff for sale has variations on the same t-shirt, bumper sticker, or tea towel. They all say "MY WIFE/HUSBAND SAID THAT IF I [DO ONE MORE HOBBY-ORIENTED THING] S/HE'LL DIVORCE ME. I'LL MISS HIM/HER.".

Except Birders, of course, but then we don't have large gatherings. We meet each other in the woods or at the seashore.


Why does anyone of any color like golf?

Tiger Woods likes golf? Isn't he a colored fella?


It's ironic and thus FUCKING STUPID, how people are doing this performative BULLSHIT about how 'white' golf is, when a lot of the people I've known who have played golf/been married to men who were avid golf-players, were/are in fact BLACK.

But that's performative Blackness for you. Reminds me of Monty Python's Yorkshiremen sketch. You end up trying so hard to emphasise your Blackness that you end up not resembling any ACTUAL Black person in the history of the Earth. PATHETIC.


"Tiger is half Asian btw"

And, so?!? 🤷🏿‍♂️

Fucking moron. 👊🏿


People just think "black guy" and he isn't. My point.


So, does being half-Asian somehow negate the Black part of his identity?

Not that any of that matters, but he's still a man-of-colour.


Expand your world view, black people like golf too.


If it wasn't for that damned alligator, Chubbs Peterson would have likely been the greatest golf champ of all time. But he got one of that bastard's eyes though!
