MovieChat Forums > General Discussion > Why do white men like golf so much?

Why do white men like golf so much?

Such a boring game to watch on tv.

What gets me is that people go and watch it live. Sometimes they're so far away I think "you can't even see what's happening!"

My guess is that because it's elitist (you need money for clubs, clothes, memberships etc) it's survived as a "whites only" space long after it became illegal to deny entry to people of color.

So white men can go and hang out and don't have to worry about brothers being around.

That's why some guy famously made a racist comment about Tiger Woods first win, calling him a little boy and how you wish him well and to not be serving fried chicken next year. (Tiger is half Asian btw).





My first thought is that the real problem is that people here will give a serious reply to this troll. The only replies he should get are like yours above. 👍


Or better still, none at all.




No response. No responses at all. Fuck this troll. This guy wore out his welcome four socks ago.


Why do white men like to go to a beautifully manicured nature reserve and walk around in it for a few hours ? Gee, that's a puzzler.


Golf courses aren't nature preserves, they're actually carefully landscaped imitations of the topography of the part of the Scotland that invented golf! Yup, read it in a geology book, the standard golf course with its woods and sand traps is an imitation of the open grassy parts of Scotland, where there are copses of trees and breaks in the ground cover that reveal sandy glacial till.

Anyway, it isn't just white men that like golf, a lot of white women like it too! And IMHO part of its appeal is that it's a very difficult game that it takes years to master, like all hobbies for intelligent adults. And it's social, and the locales are pleasant.


A. It's a reserve.
B. It's full of nature.
C. It's a nature reserve.


I'm a birder, and I go to REAL nature reserves for my hobby time!!! A REAL nature reserve has as much in the way of native plants, native wildlife, and native topography as possible!

On a golf course, all the original plant life, wildlife, and topography were bulldozed away, and a very pleasant park was put on top of where the nature used to be. It's as natural as a botanical garden. I mean I like botanical gardens and I like parks, but they're artificial, manmade landscapes, like a golf course.


Well the next time I play golf in a wilderness I'll keep that in mind.


Maybe you could actually play golf in a wilderness, if they have any wilderness left in Lowland Scotland!


If they really wanted it to make it like Scotland , theyd breed midges to bite the f**K out of anyone on the course.


I've always wanted to ask: Are midges the same thing as mosquitos, or are they a different spawn-of-Satan insect?


No they're smaller , dont do as much damage , but lots lots more keen on biting you

probly small enough to get through those netting type hats they wear in West Oz to keep the flies off.


I'd say it's basic broish but not exclusively a white people only thing. You can't control what groups of people like to do in their free time. If the majority of golfers are white people I say so what and that doesn't make it racist.


I'm a black American and I love golf, and did so long before Tiger hit the tour. The small town I live in has a muni that I belong to. There are maybe three or four other black guys I see regularly, otherwise it's mostly white yes, but then, the demographic of the town I live in is like 90 percent white.


Yes, the original post was so ridiculous that I didn't even bother to comment. If one has watched any of the "Pebble Beach Pro-Am," people like Samuel L. Jackson, Jerry Rice, Don Cheadle, Larry Fitzgerald, Condoleeza Rice, Alfonso Ribiero,, have all played in it and seem to play all the time.


It tends to be an elitist sport. Racist though? I dont see that.


It tends to be an elitist sport because it can get very expensive, so like yachting and dressage it attracts the wealthy, and people who want to appear wealthy.

But unlike dressage and yachting, it's possible to play golf for cheap in the US. There are public golf courses where you can play for a low fee, and there are used sets of clubs available. But like any sport or hobby, getting really good at it will probably cost a hell of a lot more.


Please don’t overlook polo. You want expensive? Try pricing polo ponies and their upkeep. You will need at least 3 ponies. It makes golf look like a Happy Meal.

I’m white, so I know about such things.

PS Golf is a great way to get ahead in society and commerce, no shit. It’s called shmoozing.


Hey, I'm white enough to be personally acquainted with golfers, horse nutters, and competitive sailors!

But I've never once in my life met anyone who admitted to playing polo, horse polo and not water polo. However, I still don't think it's THE most expensive sport, I still think that racing big yachts is. A polo pony can only cost so much, while a top-quality racing yacht can cost millions and millions, it's up there with collecting Art for big bucks.


No, polo is not the most costly sport. I just wanted to see it included in this bespoke list. If—and I say “if”—racing yachts is the most costly sport, then Formula 1 is next in line. I don’t think there are a lot of annual yacht competitions, so yachting hardly qualifies as a sport. It’s more of a curiosity. A Formula 1 team has a budget of on-half billion dollars and an athlete pool consisting of 2 drivers.


My moms cousin owns a few polo ponies. I'm not sure if shes into the sport or if its just a status thing.


Any sport that has economic and social barriers to enter is inherently racist.

You can't play golf in the ghetto, but you can play basketball and soccer.

Tiger Woods ruffled white people's feathers because they didn't want the door opened to "his kind".


Are you calling non-white people poor?


yes he is, what racist POS.....


I hate to break it to you...but both soccer and basketball have had ugly racial incidents in their history as well. In fact, I can't think of a single sport that hasn't.


How many people in their fifties, sixties and seventies do you see playing basketball and soccer?

Then again, maybe it's 'racist' to get to your fifties, sixties and seventies, seeing that POC have lower life expectancies.

I personally detest golf. It's a boring, slow, dull, fiddly game. But I know LOTS of working-class and POC who play it regularly. I think they do so because it's a game that doesn't require the same levels of fitness and energy as most other sports (which, once again, precludes people in the later stages of their life). People can chat and socialise in the outdoors whilst engaging in a competitive sport.

Like I say, not a game for me, but since I know several working-class people and POC who play, I sincerely doubt it has anything to do with your BULLSHIT theory.


I will concede your point as it relates to private clubs, which are very expensive. But I lived near a public golf course and the perimeter was part of my daily walk. I saw plenty of diversity.


You're a disingenuous idiot. Have you seriously never heard of a public golf course?


Any sport that has economic and social barriers to enter is inherently racist.

Well, when I ain't fryin' chicken, buying menthol smokes, or sipping Hennessey, I spend my money playing golf.

Come on, you can't be serious. Do you think only white people have jobs?


Maybe it has something to with small white balls and very very distant holes.


I hadn't heard that about Tiger.
Black people from my church play golf. I don't (except maybe 1ce a year)


it is nice to get into nature, get stoned, hangout with your friends, and drive that little buggy around. the actual sport of golf is far down on the list of things that i enjoy about it. being away from the "brothers" is also a nice perk


What an ugly sight: Two trolls feeding one another.


I'm a man and I do not like Golf or any other sport. Actually I do want to shoot hoops sometime. But I never like to watch sports on TV. If I became a politician, I'd be known as having the worst golf score.
