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Ask for a movie!

"No one asked for this movie!"
"Who asked for this movie!"

Before seeing this sentiment expressed recurrently online, I was unaware that one could simply "ask" for a movie to be made. I thought I'd get in on this endeavor and see about getting some of these productions off the ground.

Do you want a romantic musical set in the world of stock car racing where all the performers have a head cold? How about a high tech spy thriller where the hero agent has been slipped a powerful experimental laxative and has 24 hours to find a cure before his insides fall out?

So I ask the esteemed people of MovieChat: what is a movie you would ask for?


A horror movie where wasps grow to be the size of bears and start chasing after people and stinging them to death.


This idea has potential! Why would the bear-sized wasps even remotely pay attention to people?


Because wasps are evil.


As a victim of a wasp sting, which got infected twice!, this is a nightmare of mine. If I were in this movie I’d be holding into a flame thrower!


a general custer biopic


I'd be interested in that. I actually lived on this base as a teenager I also visited the Little Big Horn battle memorial site in Montana once. Studied him somewhat and learned that he was an egocentric prick, widely despised by his fellow officers, which unsurprisingly led to that infamous massacre.


he was brave and foolhardy.


By the way, this annual Halloween event is coming up and The Custer House figures prominently in the tour:


Would this be a remake of Custer of the West (1967), or would it be an entirely new film?


an updated one not one about the myth.


So I ask the esteemed people of MovieChat: what is a movie you would ask for?"

MEG III.. I know, I know, I'm sick, but I did dig the MEG II, flaws and all and would buy it on Blu Ray when it comes out..


I could see Jason Statham slaying the shark in MEG III the same way he slays here:


What the actual fuck did I just watch?? LOL


I know!!!

People, take this warning, do not eat food while stoned and watch this! I laughed so hard I almost choked to death.

Wtf is this? 😂


Fred, might this be your YouTube channel?


Comix Zone, but without the stupid Queer Agenda bullshit.


ukraine war footage victory documentary


We're still waiting on the footage for that!


Jedi Academy - Younglings learning the way of the Force. It would probably only work well as a series. Or maybe a feature film to kick it off, introduce the characters, have a few adventures and set up some conflict. Then hand it off to the series to flesh it out.

It was exciting to see Disney get into this model a little bit with Ashoka.

I think this theater feature + streaming series combo works especially well for properties like Star Wars that have deep mythologies and backstories to explore.


I enjoyed reading the Young Jedi Knights novel series and thought they would make an excellent entry as a film or series. There are so many adventures in the extended universe to explore!


And that's one novel series I never read, though I was aware of it. I run hot and cold on the EU. Some of it is great, some not so great.


Movies I would ask for:

A summer camp comedy where a group of sassy tweens start their own camp with no boys and no adult supervision.
A slasher set at a girls boarding school.
A comedy about a man who gets stranded on an island populated by an all girl tribe who have never seen a man before.


So let me understand...

One movie is about underage teens.
Second movie is about underage girls who get murdered.
Last movie, about grown man alone in an island with underage girls, who, in your words, "never seen a man before" - what the f#$k it's even mean?!?

Disturbing as always.

Edit: I didn't know tweens in English is kids between 8 and 12, so all his ideas for a movies are about kids - not even teens.


Pretty fun suggestions all around. The second idea sounds similar to Slotherhouse (2023) while the third is reminiscent of Cannibal Women in the Avocado Jungle of Death (1989). The first one is uncharted territory from what I can gather, but it sounds like it could be made into a lighthearted tale of friendship and cooperation in a serene summer setting.


A comedy with the lead being a completely A.I generated human. The lead actor/actress would have to be entirely original and work with real actors.

The script would be written by A. I.
(with some polishing by real humans if needed)

I am curious if A.I. could make a successful real comedy, without it being blatantly absurd or just slapstick.

I don't think we are at that point of possible yet, but I could be wrong.


The script would be written by A. I.
(with some polishing by real humans if needed)

According to industry estimates, within 3 years we will start watching movies created by A.I.
People in the industry are already starting to worry about losing their livelihood.


I see comedy as being the hardest genre for A I. to crack.

The first company that is able to do this successfully, will have a pretty big feather in their cap.

Having my own personal Crow T. Robot to riff on bad movies/tv would be good thing when I'm feeling down.


Recent provisions in the latest WGA union contract favor writers over AI... for now.
