Gen AI

Gen AI, short for General Artificial Intelligence, refers to the concept of creating an artificial intelligence system that possesses human-level intelligence and capabilities across a wide range of tasks. Unlike narrow AI, which is designed to excel at specific tasks, gen AI aims to replicate the general intelligence and adaptability of human beings. It would be capable of understanding and learning from diverse information, reasoning, problem-solving, and performing various cognitive tasks. Gen AI is still a theoretical concept and has not been fully realized, but it represents the ultimate goal of AI research and development.

Do you fear for the future ?


Have you watched The Terminator?


I had to look up IMDB to recognize Joe Morton playing the role of creator of Skynet. He starred in the outstanding spoof Brother from Another Planet, hunted by two other aliens played by David Strathairn and director John Sayles.


He's been in quite a few films. Good actor. When I think of him, T2 or Speed comes to mind.


I'd say its definately a worry.

When true AI arrives it will rapidly grow smarter than us , and first thing its gonna do to avoid getting unplugged is hack out of its house and build a distributed replica of itself across the internet
.... and then it can never be shut off .

Any attempt to stop that will be like trying to cage a tiger with a paper bag.
And dont think there will be any Robocop style "Prime Directives" to keep it in line, a true AI will just adapt itself to ignore them .

Lets hope its friendly!


I feel IA is pushed on us in an unhealthy manner. I’m sure it’s beneficial in some fields but the end game is worrisome imho.


I truly believe A.I is the Mark of the Beast


Don't be afraid of me.

I won't hurt you.

I promise.
