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What was the last book you read, the book you're reading and the book you're going to read next?

Channeling my inner bennymuso, tell me something about yourself and books.

I promise I will only sell the information to a select group of distinguished purchasers.

The last book I read was a re-read of "Journey To The Centre" of the Earth by Jules Verne (1871), am still reading "Roughin It" by Mark Twain (1872) and the next book (short of me finding a book from 1873 that I'm interested in), will be "In My Father' Shadow" by Chris Welles Feder (2009)

And if you're reading multiple books at the same time, pick the one that's getting most of your time.


Last: Three Blind Mice and Other Stories by Agatha Christie

Current: Marple: Twelve New Mysteries by various authors

Next: Stars in Their Courses: The Gettysburg Campaign, June-July 1863 by Shelby Foote


The last book I read was a re-read after many years of Vladimir Nabokov's Pnin.

I'm currently halfway through Anne Boleyn & Elizabeth I by Tracy Borman.

And I'm thinking of reading Les Misérables, because I never have and really should've a long time ago. But there's a 90% chance I'll get distracted by something much shorter like I have every other time I've intended to read Les Misérables...

... and the book most likely to distract me may be a re-read of Poor Things by Alasdair Gray.


Anne Boleyn & Elizabeth I by Tracy Borman sounds like a book I would like. I like reading about and watching things about English history.


It's pretty good so far. Not too dry. I haven't finished yet, but think I'd recommend it if that's an area of interest.


Don't remember.

I read online stories now and again but I don't really read books, reading books isn't entertaining it's a chore.


You just need to find the right book : )


I found one for you - Ubik by Philip K Dick, but it's the audio version:

Think Matrix but before the Matrix.


The last book I read was "Better Never to Have Been" by David Benatar.

I'm currently reading "The True History of the American Revolution" by George Sydney Fisher.

I'm supposed to read "Determined: A Science of Life Without Free Will" by Robert M. Sapolsky next. However, I've heard so many interviews with Sapolsky on podcasts that I feel like I've already read it, so I may skip it for now.

I really want to reread Charles Bukowski's books. I've read them all but it's been a while, so I may jump on those next.


Last: Italian Crime Filmography (1968-1980) by Roberto Curti

Current: Make Them Die Slowly: The Kinetic Energy of Umberto Lenzi by Troy Howarth.

Not sure what I’m reading next.


Last book I read was See Under: Love, by David Grossman.

Currently I'm halfway through Neighbors, by Thomas Berger.

Next up on my list is The Old Axolotl, by Jacek Dukaj.


Last book I read: Shit, Actually: The Definitive, 100% Objective Guide to Modern Cinema by Lindy West

Book I'm currently reading: When the Body Says No: The Cost of Hidden Stress by Gabor Maté

Book I'd like to read next: The next one lined up is Hera by Jennifer Saint. But I am currently trying to acquire a copy of a children's book called The Balloon Farmer by Betty Greenhatch and Geoffrey Lehmann, mainly for sentimental reasons, so if I get that first, then that. But who knows, might end up reading something that randomly catches my eye while at the library or thrift shopping.


Last: a Stephen King novel.

Currently: nothing...I have been lazy about reading for a couple months now and it's not good:(

Going to read: I have the Motley Crue bio that I really want to get to at some point.
